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Digital Science Dimensions

Developers: Digital Science (Didzhital Saillens of Enda Rissertch)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/01/29
Technology: Data Mining

2020: Inclusion of the sixth data type of Datasets in the Dimensions platform

On January 29, 2020 the Digital Science company reported that the Dimensions platform will include more than 1.4 million data sets. These data sets will be available to all users, including those who use the free version of Dimensions.

As noted in Digital Science, data will arrive from the website and to include the data sets loaded on figshare and also from other repositories, such as Dryad, Zenodo, Pangea, and repositories posted on the website Figshare including ACS and NIH. Data sets are defined as the elements shared in repositories which are classified as data sets - it excludes, for example, pre-prints, posters, images and the software. Data sets will be daily updated, and after the first release even more repositories will be added. They will become the sixth data type, the added to Dimensions after grants, publications, citings, alternative metrics, clinical trials and patents.

Dimensions Datasets
"From the moment of creation of the Union of research data in 2013 acceptance of data sets as the first-class results of researches accelerated: many organizations, publishers and the financing organizations encourage the publication of research data and their use. Though for January, 2020 data sets are already displayed on pages of detailed information on the publication in Dimensions, we make them available to search as independent data type - but integrated into the general context with grants, publications, clinical trials, patents and regulating documents",

'Christina Gertsog, the CEO of Dimensions noted'

According to the developer, inclusion of data sets will allow organizations to reveal and analyze trends in the field of public data at the institutional level and will provide access to a bigger volume of the interconnected data on one platform than what separate databases.

Dimensions Datasets
"Data sets are important research results in which many of our users are interested. Scientists can find the data for reuse financing the organizations will be able to analyze influence of grants, it will also be useful for the organizations interested in making the data more available and open, including for the publishers considering a question of where these data sets, and publications with the corresponding data sets are stored",

'Christina Gertsog, the CEO of Dimensions noted'

"Introduction of data sets to Dimensions shows the aspiration of Digital Science to lift data to the first-class level that is the first step on the way to what we see long and difficult, but standing efforts. Open data should and will be regulation in the academic researches",

'Mark Hanel, the CEO and the founder of Figshare company noted'