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Directum: Management of powers of attorney

The name of the base system (platform): Directum (EDMS/ECM system)
Developers: Directum
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2010
Technology: EDMS

The solution "Management of Powers of Attorney" gives the chance to manage complete lifecycle of the power of attorney – from its design and issue before prolongation or a response. Questions of effective work with powers of attorney are relevant in corporate legal practice now. The representation according to any transaction, as a rule, requires execution of the power of attorney. In that case when the enterprise issues a large number of powers of attorney, the accurate regulation and control of this process is necessary.

Technical solution Management of powers of attorney is intended for automation of routine transactions by drawing up, approval, prolongation or a withdrawal of powers of attorney and also increases in transparency of all process of delegation of power using the power of attorney.

The possibilities of the solution based on functionality of the Basic modules DIRECTUM allow to create the unified register of the powers of attorney issued at the enterprise, to considerably accelerate their approval, prolongation and also search. Use of the solution also gives the chance to reduce the risks connected with untimely prolongation or a withdrawal of the power of attorney due to automatic tracking of documents with the expiring term.

Technical solution is especially relevant for large holdings most of which often delegate powers on commission of legally significant actions to the employees.

The functionality of the solution will become good addition to business solution "to DIRECTUM: Personnel processes" which, among other things, includes also technical solution Management of business trips.