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Directum: Services of MFC

The name of the base system (platform): Directum (EDMS/ECM system)
Developers: Directum
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2015
Branches: Government and social institutions
Technology: EDMS


October 19, 2015.

Task description

The principle of "one window" is directed to the fastest providing public services. For its implementation it is necessary to optimize the existing processes. Besides, the powerful and convenient tool for registration, processing of the request and rendering services, including the services provided with the assistance of authorities is required. Such tool also is technical solution "Directum: Services of MFC".

Solution description

Technical solution "Directum: Services of MFC" automates all internal processes on providing the public and municipal services in the multifunction centers: from acceptance of the request for rendering service before sending a complete set of documents to department and issue of results to the applicant.

Possibilities of the solution

registration of requests for rendering services:

  • acceptance of the request and document package, filling of data on the applicant, processing of the provided documents (information);
  • formation of interdepartmental requests for obtaining missing documents or data;
  • sending request for formation of a request for rendering service;
  • obtaining results from department and issue of results to the applicant;
  • expansion of the list of the provided services;
  • formation of statistical data about activity of MFC and amount of interdepartmental requests.

Example of use

Registration and processing of the request

The registrar accepts the request and a document package from the applicant, and then enters information in the Directum system. Basic data are fixed in the reference book of the Request of MFC for rendering the public and municipal services:

Reference book Request of MFC for rendering the public and municipal services of Directum

Reference book Request of MFC for rendering the public and municipal services, Basic tab, 2015

At the same time a part of fields will be autocompleted, for example Registration date, the rendering Term, the Place of acceptance, the Registrar.

If an applicant is the individual, then when filling a surname and name of the citizen search of the corresponding entry in the reference book Citizens is automatically run. If search did not yield results, then it will be offered to registrar to create new record.

If the citizen with such name and a surname already addressed for services earlier, then the registrar will only need to check personal data for complete coincidence and to confirm the choice.

If an applicant is the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity, then search is run by PSRNSP or PSRN respectively.

Notification method about result of rendering service and the place of issue are established in advance and also are specified in a reference book card.

For convenience of search of the request it is possible to specify the additional information, for example the description of a real estate or names of other participants on required service.

It is possible to control a current status of execution of works on Status field contents. So, after preserving of a card and automatic assignment of registration number the status of request will be Documents acceptance.

The list of necessary documents with indication of an object to which it belongs, forms automatically on the basis of the specified service variation:

Reference book Request of MFC for rendering the public and municipal services, tab Data, 2015

Depending on a situation data can be adjusted: if the document is not necessary, then the registrar deletes lines from a table part, differently – the document adds by Ext. button a set or Ext. The name of an object the Applicant can also be replaced with a surname and the applicant's initials, and to specify Premises to the Apartment.

To each document there corresponds a set of details. Documents can be accepted as in paper, and in electronic form with indication of the number of copies or sheets.

After entering of all necessary information the registrar using a template issues an application and the receipt on documents acceptance. For this purpose in a card of the request it is enough to press the button From a template, to select the relevant documents, to adjust data and to print in duplicate.

Then by the button the registrar sends a task For processing to the specialist of MFC responsible for processing of requests.

Processing of the request in MFC

The specialist of MFC receives a task for rendering service, browses a set of documents from a card of the enclosed request by the Set button dock. If the necessary document did not appear, then specifies a method of its receiving and creates an interdepartmental request:

if information is obtained through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SIEI) or public service, then the master of actions is used. It is started by the specialist of MFC in the Start button in a request card; if information is obtained by a different way, for example mail, the personal address, then it is necessary to follow the agreement signed with department. After receiving a complete set of documents the specialist of MFC sends the request to department for rendering service.

Sending request to department

If process of rendering service is automated, then the specialist of MFC sends a set of documents to department. For this purpose in a card of the request presses the Receive Service button. The task for sending to the relevant department is created automatically, the status of request will change on Is sent to Department. If the result of service is issued to the applicant in department, then the card of the request is closed.

If rendering service is not automated, then the specialist of MFC sends a set of documents according to the agreement signed with department. At the same time the status of request needs to be changed manually.

Obtaining result on the request for service from department After obtaining information from department on readiness of results the specialist of MFC changes the status of request on the result in department Is prepared. Having received result on service, the specialist of MFC reports it to the place of issue and changes the status of request on Issue of result.

Issue of result

The specialist of MFC of the specified place of issue finds the request of the rendered service any of search mechanisms. For example, filtering, sorting and grouping of records of the reference book of the Request of MFC for rendering the public and municipal services, search in the known details. Then transfers to the applicant results on service or gives information orally.

The mark about obtaining result is filled:

the applicant in the receipt; the specialist of MFC in a request card in the Result and Date of issue fields. The works on providing service will be completed, the card of the request is closed.

Additional opportunities

Expansion of the list of services

The list of the services provided to MFC can be expanded. To set up technical solution, it is enough to system administrator to specify a new type of service, types of data, types of objects and variations of services in the corresponding reference books. It is also possible to specify templates and models of necessary documents. For example, templates of applications for rendering service or model of consent to personal data processing.

Formation of analytical reports about activity of MFC

Formation of analytical reports is available to the head of MFC to collecting of statistics and data analysis:

  • by amount of interdepartmental requests for the specified period;
  • about activity of MFC.

Information is grouped by:

  • places of acceptance;
  • services taking into account the number of the submitted applications / the issued results and a type of service (municipal, provided by federal executive authorities or bodies of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation, service of MFC, paid).

Information on violation of term of rendering service is in addition fixed.

Effect of implementation

Implementation of technical solution will allow to automate work of the multifunction centers and will provide:

  • acceleration of registration procedure and processing of requests;
  • simplification of preparation of a set of the documents necessary for rendering service;
  • formation of interdepartmental requests;
  • collecting and the analysis of statistics about activity of MFC;
  • online access to information, ordered data storage about services and requests.