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EPIQ CVx (Ultrasonography system)

Developers: Philips Healthcare
Date of the premiere of the system: August, 2018
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care


Philips provided an ultrasonography system for the general and intervention cardiology

The ultrasonic Philips EPIQ CVx system gives to the doctor opportunities for visualization. High resolution of the display provides the maximum detailing in 2D and 3D the modes and also at the Doppler mapping.

Technologies of Philips allow specialists to locate OUSE picture on all diagonal of the screen in real time without loss of quality. Thanks to advanced 3D - processing doctors can receive detailed 3D - the image of heart and to estimate the volume of cameras and also to use a virtual light source to consider each part. Using special function doctors can construct heart model in real time and take measurements of deformation of the left ventricle to reveal congenital defects and system dysfunctions. Settings allow specialists to investigate the left auricle for diagnosis of heart failure, to carry out diagnostics of the right ventricle for assessment of effect of cardiotoxicity.

Application of EPIQ CVx should promote increase in confidence of doctors at diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and allows to appoint even more reasonable treatment.

2019: A premiere in Russia

In September, 2019 Philips announced that it will for the first time present at the Russian market the office of EPIQ CVx – expert system for ultrasonographies in the nursery (including prenatal), adult and intervention cardiology.

2018: International premiere of an ultrasonography system

On August 23, 2018 the Philips Healthcare company provided a new ultrasonic system for the general and intervention cardiology of EPIQ CVx. A system on the basis of artificial intelligence allows to receive sharper images and simplifies workflow, reducing operating time with the patient and reducing the need for rescanning.

The EPIQ CVxi platform is developed especially for X-ray operating rooms and supplied with the EchoNavigator system from Philips which allows to integrate images of ultrasonography and a radiological research into a uniform image. Use of this function allows intervention cardiologists to monitor finding of tools and a catheter of rather key anatomical structures with a high accuracy.

During verification of the platform of 95% of clinical physicians noted the improved image quality when using EPIQ CVx. The artificial intelligence increases the computing power of a system and allows to create high-quality images. Thanks to a special technique of the presentation of results of ultrasonography of Philips TrueVue, specialists see before themselves detailed 3D - the image of heart. In combination with the new OLED TrueVue monitor provides the detailed display of results of a research, including at children.

One more feature of the platform — an opportunity creation of a dynamic model of heart on the basis of Philips HeartModel which uses AI for automatic evaluation of function of the left ventricle. At the same time the new platform calculates fraction of emission of the left ventricle 83% faster, than the previous version.

Besides, the platform of EPIQ CVx is supplied with the new S9-2 PureWave Transducer sensor transformer, providing high detailing and contrasting, and the MultiVue technology allows specialists to browse several images at the same time.[1]
