Developers: | EXFO |
Technology: | Network Health Monitoring - Monitoring of network or management of health performance of IT Infrastructure |
Solution EXFO MAX-945 performs measurements of attenuation (IL), returnable losses (ORL) and length of optical fiber on two lengths of waves in only 5 seconds thanks to the automated bidirectional analysis of FasTesT.
Such radical acceleration of measurements became possible thanks to several functions:
- Measurement of a reference signal of ORL and calibration. Measurement of returnable losses is underestimated often and passed though it allows to judge purity of the connector directly. Besides, often, measurement of returnable losses is performed incorrectly because of setup errors of a reference level and calibration. EXFO MAX-945 contains the built-in optics for self-calibration in the course of measurement.
- Measurement reference patch cord. EXFO MAX-945 allows to increase the accuracy of measurements thanks to measurement of losses on connection of connectors. Measurement of reference cords is necessary for ensuring reliability of the measured values and it is especially important at a research of short fibers.
- Automatic communication between devices. During the work with measuring instruments of the previous generations a considerable part of time of technical specialists left on negotiations with the specialist on other end of a cable. New testers automatically communicate with each other and inform users (visually and a sound) on readiness for carrying out the selected measurement on the set fiber. Text messaging between devices is also possible.
- Automatic evaluation of quality of an end face of the connector. High purity and quality of polish of an end face of the connector – one of the major conditions for carrying out precise measurements. Earlier assessment of suitability of the connector was made by technical specialists using a microscope on the basis of the experience therefore the quality of measurements in many respects depended on level of training and conscientiousness of the specialist. The tester of EXFO MAX-945 network working together with a new microscope of FIP-430B or FIP-435B does it in the automatic mode.
Now at connection of the connector to the device, the quality of its end face is estimated instantly according to IEC-61300-3-35 standard or internal standards of the organization. The technical specialist receives result of assessment in the form of the solution "is fit" / "is not fit", and engineers of the operator of network can be sure of reliability of the taken measurements.
Key advantages of MAX-945
- The built-in step-by-step animated master of measurements
- The work range, best in the class, – up to 200 km
- Completely automated process of measurement of fibers
- Possibility of testing of very short lines
- The optimized sequence of testing
- The patented method of taking of reference values
- The Test Again function for repeated measurement of low-quality fibers in three simple steps
- Creation of reports online in field conditions.