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Eaton Arcon

Developers: Eaton
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/10
Branches: Electrical equipment and microelectronics

The Arcon system — the key solution Eaton in the field of security of an electroarc. The product provides protection against formation of an electric arc.

Electric arc – the phenomenon which arises at course of current between two contacts at the time of short circuit or disconnection of a chain and also at their insufficient contact. In some systems it can lead to serious damages which are capable to put the equipment out of action and even to become the ignition reason. The Arcon system will detect threat and will prevent emergence of an electroarc.

Principle of work

The system of protection against an electroarc of Arcon is constructed based on optical pickups and can register its emergence in real time. The sensor is capable to detect the luminous flux radiated at course of currents and to transmit a signal to the protection equipment. It occurs by operation of the deflector which using triple-pole short circuit performs arc extinction and recovers normal operation of the distributor.

According to Eaton for October, 2018, time from registration of an electric arc before its liquidation occupies only 2 ms. Thus, shutdown of the equipment happens before damages are put to elements of the equipment.


Optical pickups (ARC-SL) executed using fiber optic technology control area of the main and distribution buses and also monitor all connecting assemblies of buses and the systems of connection on all their length. The luminous flux radiated at emergence of an electric arc is registered an optical part of the sensor. Only one optical pickup is necessary for each section of the distributor and the system of the main buses.

Besides, current transformers, with the value of currents of a secondary chain 1A or 5A are also used. The electric arc current is defined by means of the measuring transducers installed on input before each lead-in switch. At emergence of an electric arc the luminous flux and an electric arc current are registered sensors and are estimated by the main module of management (ARC-EM). The central processor sends a disconnection signal to the arc-suppressing device (ARC-AT). The arc-suppressing device creates triple-pole short circuit parallel to the place of emergence of the arc discharge. Short circuit causes a sharp slowdown of tension necessary for maintenance of an electric arc. Thus the electric arc is extinguished during 2 ms from the moment of its emergence - before it reaches the maximum disturbing force.

The three-phase short circuit initiated by the arc extinction device is turned off by the lead-in switch. The central processor sends also reserve signal of disconnection to the independent releaser of the switch. Slave devices serve for monitoring and assessment of the signals arriving from sensors and signal transmission on the central processor in case of an electric arc. The central processor can perform monitoring of two separate systems of the national teams of buses and is independent activate the corresponding separate devices of arc extinction of each section of combined buses. In need of one system several central processors can be used. They connect among themselves the communication line and perform data exchange about exceeding on current in case of an electric arc.


The system of protection against an electric arc of Arcon is held for use in solutions when the increased protection of personnel which is beyond the requirements stated in regulating documents is required.

Technical characteristics (for October, 2018)

  • Blanking time of an arc the system of protection makes < 2 мс.
  • Determination of emergence of an electric arc at current intensity from 3 kA.
  • The allowable current capacity of the device of arc extinction makes 65 kA, 500 ms, or 100 kA, 150 ms at a voltage of 725 V and also 150 kA, 200 ms at a voltage of 440 V.