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Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/03/31
Technology: CRM

EspoCRM is the facilitated customer relationship management system (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) open source.

The EspoCRM developer — Yury Kuznetsov, it works with CRM systems since 2007. According to him, EspoCRM is focused on use in small and medium business, it shows the high performance and ease in setup.

The user interface is simple and logical, the application is available, both on desktops, and on mobile devices.

The CRM system of EspoCRM works as the web application written for PHP. The user interface is implemented on Backbone.js JavaScript-framework.

The source code EspoCRM is available on GitHub under free license GNU GPLv3. On the official site of the project the demoversion is available.

Program window screenshot in a demo mode, 2015

For April 4, 2015 EspoCRM also provides REST API for interaction with other applications. The modular object-oriented architecture of EspoCRM facilitates an application tuning and adding in it new features using plug-ins — that, according to developers, distinguishes EspoCRM from proprietary developments of this kind - they often differ in complexity in setup and are written on an outdated program basis.