The name of the base system (platform): | Region |
Developers: | Etton |
Branches: | Housing and public utilities, service and household services |
Housing inspectorate A system automates and systematizes work of the State housing inspectorate (further – GZhI) with uniform base of objects of housing stock and management companies. The solution allows to organize activity of GZhI regarding work with citizens' appeals, inspection checks of housing stock and management companies, control of the course of an overhaul, resettlement of citizens from the hazardous dwelling and upgrade of objects of utility infrastructure.
A system solves the following problems:
- * Fixation of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of management companies agrees
- * Fixation of checks of regional operators
- * Calls accounting of citizens and control of execution of works on complaints and requests
- * Accounting of protocols on administrative offenses, imposing of administrative sanctions and control over their execution
- * Accounting of the organizations performing activities for management and execution of works for repair of apartment houses
- * Report generation on disclosure of information on activity of Management companies within Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 of 9/23/2010.
- * Control over providing the reporting by management companies on the course of capital repair
- * Control of placement of reports on monitoring of implementation of address programs on the official site of the region.