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Exa Enterprise Imaging

Developers: Konica Minolta
Date of the premiere of the system: February, 2017

2017: Announcement

The Konica Minolta Healthcare company used a conference of Society of medical information systems and management systems (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, HIMSS) which took place from February 19 to February 23, 2017 in Orlando (the State of Florida, the USA), for the announcement of the new software for viewing medical images. It is about the Exa Enterprise Imaging platform.

It contains the universal application which is not demanding installation for viewing images in DICOM or other format (for example, pictures ultrasonic 3D - visualization of mammography). That processing of pictures is performed on the server files of the big size open quickly without preliminary loading and are archived for the centralized information storage, the producer claims.

The stand of Konica Minolta at the HIMSS 2017 conference

Besides, Konica Minolta pays attention to the safety features implemented in the platform at the expense of which no data are transferred and do not remain at workstations that considerably reduces risk of information leak about patients.

Exa Enterprise Imaging allows hospitals and the centers of medical visualization to get access to the images made in different branches irrespective of sources of images. For women's clinics which aim at consolidation of procedures of survey a new system offers universal remedy of viewing images at one workstation. The cardiological centers will be able to use this software for an echocardiography and a stress echocardiography.

Our complete all-corporate diagnostic solutions for management of images promote improvement of medical care, expense reduction and providing the due security level — the vice president for sales of medical IT products in division of Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas Steve Deaton noted.[1]
