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Financial investments: Memory Chain

The name of the base system (platform): Projects based on blockchain technology
Developers: Financial investments

The main articles are:

2024: Memory Chain Platform Introduction

Financial Investments has launched the Memory Chain platform, a digital archive that uses blockchain and NFT technologies to preserve and convey personal and family stories, events and achievements, including information about ancestors who participated in wars. The developer announced this on May 16, 2024.

source = Financial investments

Memory Chain provides everyone with the opportunity not only to save photos, documents and text descriptions, but also to turn this data into NFT - inviolable digital assets that guarantee the authenticity of information and exclude the possibility of changing or falsifying it.

NFT technology ensures the authenticity of information and ownership of it, excluding the possibility of substitution by a third party, and the use of IPFS and blockchain allows you to store data indefinitely, making it available to future generations around the world.

In the future, the digital archive can be used as a reliable source of primary data and evidence about past events, to collect materials for articles, books and documentary projects, to document and disseminate information about socially significant phenomena.

Platform users can manage the availability of their records, share them with the public, or restrict access by providing it only to select individuals. This functionality allows everyone to individually decide how and with whom to share their heritage.

{{quote 'We strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to preserve their history for future generations without distortion or loss. For example, my grandfather participated in the Second World War, and thanks to his exploits, I have the opportunity to live and build my life. I created this service, including to perpetuate his good name, thanks to Memory Chain, it will not be distorted by time, "said service developer Ivan Korol. - To solve this important problem, we chose blockchain and NFT - technologies that will function after us, guaranteeing the continuity and inviolability of data. Our goal is not to evaluate history, but to perpetuate it and prevent it from being distorted. }}


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