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Last Release Date: 2014/12/15
Technology: Development tools of applications

Fluentd is technology of collecting of logs from different sources and transfer to their other applications for further processing.

Fluend is developed by Sadayuki Furukhasi, the co-founder of Treasure Data company (the company - one of sponsors of the project), in 2011. The product is written on Ruby.

Graphical representation of work of the collector of logs, 2014


  • Low requirements to system resources. For work of Fluentd 30 — 40 MB of the RAM there are enough; processing speed at the same time is 13 thousand events per second.

  • Use of the unified logging format. Transfers the data obtained from different sources by Fluentd to the JSON format. It helps to solve a problem of collecting of logs from the different systems and opens ample opportunities for integration into other software solutions.

  • Convenient architecture. The architecture of Fluentd allows to expand the available feature set using numerous plug-ins (for their April 23, 2015 more than 300 are created). Using plug-ins it is possible to connect new data sources and to output data in different formats.

  • Ability to integrate with different programming languages. Fluentd can accept a log from applications on Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, Node.JS, Java, Scala.

Fluentd is distributed free of charge under the license Apache 2.0.