Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Forecast: Forecasting of balance of labor resources

The name of the base system (platform): Prognoz Platform
Developers: Forecast
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014/03/31
Branches: Government and social institutions
Technology: BI

Forecasting of balance of labor resources - a system for creation of the forecast of key demand determinants and the offer in labor market in annual dynamics.

On April 1, 2014 the Prognoz company announced release of the new product "Forecasting of Balance of Labor Resources". A system is focused on use by specialists of departments and agencies on work and employment of the population, the Ministries of Education.


Supply forecasting of labor resources is performed by own (the able-bodied population or the population are more senior / and is younger than working-age) and attracted (foreign labor migrants) sources of formation of labor resources. Creation of the forecast regarding demand for labor resources happens by types of economic activity, on education level and also for the unemployment reasons for economically inactive population.

A system helps to analyze dynamics of indicators, to reveal a trend of labor market and structure of employment on different signs, to compare the current situation with the received forecasts. Results of forecasting and the analysis can be made out in the form of analytical reports with the graphic information for descriptive reasons of representation of outputs.