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Developers: GNU project
Technology: OS
- the free Unix-like operating system developed by the GNU Project.

Development of the system of GNU began on September 27, 1983 when Richard Stallman published the declaration of the project in news groups of net.unix-wizards and net.usoft. On January 5, 1984 Stallman left the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the purpose to devote the time to writing of the free operating system and also in order that the institute could not raise any claim to the source code of a system. The Emacs text editor became the first GNU program.

Now the GNU/Linux system, more widely known as just Linux, is rather distributed, especially in the market of servers, and is quite complete. It consists of a large number of programs of the GNU project (first of all system utilities and GNU toolchain), kernels of Linux are the part of the system which is responsible for accomplishment of other programs, including drivers of devices, etc. — and sets of other free programs.

GNU Hurd

Official operating system kernel of GNU is GNU Hurd. The alternative name of a system on the basis of this core — GNU/Hurd, by analogy with GNU/Linux. However, in spite of the fact that Hurd is developed since 1990, this project is still not complete (though Hurd on the basis of Mach microkernel can already normally function and run many applications). For this reason the GNU operating system as such still cannot be considered fully completed and ready to industrial use.


Official site.