Developers: | Garda Technology, Gardaí |
Last Release Date: | 2025/02/26 |
Branches: | Information security |
Technology: | Distributed Deception Platform (DDP) |
Content |
"Garda Deception" - the Distributed Deception Platform (DDP) creates a fictitious layer of enterprise IT infrastructure objects that are indistinguishable from protected network nodes. Interactive traps distract the attacker's attention, allowing you to buy time to neutralize a cyber attack. The product is registered in the Register of Russian Software.
2025: "Garda Deception" 1.12.0 with "Compromise" section
The Garda Deception update increases the efficiency of information security services and speeds up incident analysis. An updated version of the system simplifies bait management and automates the collection of suspicious activity data. Customers will be able to detect threats faster, more accurately analyze the actions of attackers and minimize downtime risks. The solution is suitable for implementation in organizations with high information security requirements. Garda Technology reported this on February 26, 2025.
"Garda Deception 1.12.0" simplifies the analysis of incidents and increases the speed of response to threats - the "Compromise" section has been added to the system. It collects all information about the compromise of false accounts. This is the IP address of the source from which the trap was interacted; event time; a trap in which the login and password of a false account were entered. Previously, this data was distributed across different sections of the system, which took time to compile it.
Faster troubleshooting and minimizing downtime enables monitoring of delivery, update, and decoy status in the actual IT infrastructure implemented in the updated Distribution section. For the convenience of working with the system, the ability to specify a directory for placing text and file decoys during their creation has been added.
A number of updates allow you to provide early detection of attacks, diversify the number and quality of traps, which means that you can increase the reliability of false infrastructure and better study the actions of attackers. A Telnet trap and decoy has been added to the system, simulating remote access to network devices via the Telnet protocol. Also in this version of "Garda Deception" it is possible to configure a customizable ASCII art banner for SSH and Telnet traps - the network equipment has standard commands for creating pseudographic banners. Adding this feature increases the validity of the false infrastructure layer. To quickly track the state of the traps, they are automatically restarted.
The possibilities of using Garda Deception in organizations with high information protection requirements have been expanded, the updated version is now compatible with the domestic OCAstra Linux 1.8.1.
The "Garda Deception" update makes protection more flexible and adaptive, allows companies not only to detect attacks, but to understand the tactics of attackers and build a proactive defense strategy. Tools for monitoring and analyzing threats are becoming more convenient, reducing the burden on specialists and increasing the efficiency of information security units, ‒ said Ekaterina Kharitonova, head of the Garda Deception product Garda. |
"Garda Deception" 1.11.0 with Yandex.Browser support
The updated version of Garda Deception 1.11.0 allows you to create an emulated environment as close as possible to the customer's infrastructure with support for new types of traps and decoys PostgreSQL and Kubernetes. The system reduces the burden on administrators. The developer announced this on November 26, 2024.
This version of the system reduces the burden on administrators and minimizes the likelihood of errors during the configuration stage. The functions of automatic check of availability in IP address subnets for emulated machines, as well as automatic check of settings when connecting to SIEM are responsible for this.
"Garda Deception 1.11.0" runs on the basis of OS Debian 12, added to the list of supported browsers. Yandex.Browser
"Garda Deception 1.10.0" with Apache Kafka message broker
The developers integrated Garda Deception 1.10.0 with Apache Kafka message broker. Now the system detects suspicious authorization attempts in the domain and automatically creates an information security incident with notification of responsible persons. Updates help improve responsiveness to threats. The developer announced this on August 26, 2024.
The updated version of "Garda Deception 1.10.0" detects suspicious authorization attempts at user workplaces, creates an information security incident (IS), sends it to SIEM in real time and additionally notifies responsible employees by e-mail and Telegram.
The functionality is implemented by distributing decoys with false authorization data in the domain in the infrastructure. The domain controller logs all login attempts, the Kafka broker uploads logs, and Garda Deception checks the authorization data with the fake ones. So, the system identifies the attacker even before his interaction with the trap.
Among other things, the updated version of the system has expanded the ability to create and configure bait distribution policies. They can now be tied to specific supervisors and specific machines on each supervisor, making the bait management process more flexible. "Garda Deception 1.10.0" allows you to create custom dummy account format templates. So, the generation of fake logins and passwords in bait becomes more transparent.
The developers of Garda Deception 1.10.0 have enriched the user experience: the system allows you to emulate network devices and create traps of the types "network router" and "switch."
This version of the product supports the distribution of decoys on all existing operating systems: Windows, Linux, MacOS.
"Garda Deception 1.10.0" helps to comply with internal information security rules - the release provides for a restriction on the duration of a user session from 4 to 12 hours. After the scheduled session time has expired, the system requests re-authorization.
Astra Linux Special Edition Compatibility
The Garda Group of Companies has confirmed that the system for creating a false layer of the network infrastructure of the Garda Deception enterprise complies with the requirements of the Ready for Astra technological partnership program. The company announced this on July 1, 2024.
The Garda Deception compatibility certificate with OCAstra Linux guarantees the correct uninterrupted operation of the solution and the absence of restrictions when used in conjunction with the operating system.
"Garda Deception" creates a false layer of the enterprise's network infrastructure, allowing you to misinform attackers and detect malicious activity in real time. The system protects against targeted attacks attacks and zero day.
Our partners aimed to create an ecosystem of well-functioning IT products for each other to effectively solve customer problems, "said Ekaterina Kharitonova, head of Garda Deception. - Testing and certification under the Ready for Astra program is one of the ways to make it easier for Russian companies to choose systems and hardware systems that are proven to integrate with each other and help in achieving import substitution goals. |
As part of the development of our information security strategy, we closely monitor the products of partners who can qualitatively supplement and strengthen the ecosystem of our own solutions. We are confident that key customers will appreciate the convenience of sharing the products of Astra Group and Garda Group of Companies, - said Kirill Sinkov, Director of the Department for Work with Technological Partners of Astra Group. |
Compliance with the requirements of FSTEC of Russia by 4 levels of trust
The software complex "Garda Deception" (formerly "Garda Labyrinth") passed certification tests and meets the information security requirements of the FSTEC of Russia 4 levels of trust. The product can be used to protect state information systems and enterprises that do not work with state secrets. Gardaí announced this on April 19, 2024.
Garda Deception (formerly Garda Labyrinth) is a Distributed Deception Platform (DDP) that creates a fictitious layer of enterprise IT infrastructure objects that is not distinguished from protected network nodes. Interactive traps distract the attention of attackers, allowing you to quickly neutralize cyber attacks. The product is registered in the Register of Russian Software (No. 10040).
The success of tests at FSTEC, among other things, depends on the compatibility of the product with one of the certified Russian operational systems, "said Dmitry Filippov, head of the certification and licensing department of the Garda group of companies. - In terms of simulating the IT infrastructure, this requirement primarily applies to the server part on which the platform is deployed. So, "Garda Deception" is compatible with the Astra Linux Special Edition operating system . |
The Garda Deception system has already shown its effectiveness for customers from various business sectors. It is able to detect malicious activity that is invisible to other SMTs, and protect against zero-day attacks and high-complexity attacks in near-real-time mode. The platform allows information security employees to comply with the 1-10-60 rule, which involves detecting a threat within the first minute, understanding it within 10 minutes, responding to it within 60 minutes.
Integration with Garda Threat Intelligence
The Garda Group of Companies has updated the platform to create a false layer of the network infrastructure of the Garda Deception enterprise. An improved version of the product allows you to optimize the use of computing and information resources of the customer's information security systems. It integrates with the Garda Threat Intelligence cyber threat data enrichment service and increases the speed of detection and response to attacks, strengthens protection against zero-day vulnerabilities and minimizes damage from attackers. Gardaí announced this on April 16, 2024.
The integration of the updated version of the Garda Deception 1.9.0 platform with the Garda Threat Intelligence (TI) service allows you to quickly detect attacks and more accurately assess their degree of danger. The option is implemented by accessing constantly updated information about the tactics and techniques of attackers.
When detecting suspicious files or activity, Garda Deception refers to the database of compromise indicators with a request for a hash of a potential malicious file. In response, the platform receives information about the belonging of the object to a specific malware and assesses the degree of danger. This data allows you to form and transfer an enriched event to the decision-making center or SIEM/IRP system as an incident, and then decide on a response, "said Alexey Semenychev, head of the information security threat analytics department of the Garda group of companies. - The system helps automate the incident response process. |
The integrated application of "Garda Deception" and "Garda Threat Intelligence" reduces the time for recognizing targeted attacks and choosing an effective method of countering them. When the "Garda Deception" trap system is triggered, the TI service indicates signs of a targeted attack, which increases the effectiveness of assessing the level of danger and prioritizing response tasks. As a result, the speed of blocking attack sources increases and the possible damage from the implementation of attacks is reduced.
This version of Garda Deception reduces false positives and reduces the burden on analysis and response systems.