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Genesys Predictive Routing

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Genesys
Date of the premiere of the system: July, 2018
Technology: Call centers

In July, 218 Genesys company, the solution provider for contact centers and omnichannel customer service, provided possibilities of the solution for routing of calls at the annual CX18 conference which took place in Nashville, the USA. The solution for forecast routing of calls of Genesys Predictive Routing uses artificial intelligence technologies for the operational analysis of the saved-up quality data of service and for comparison of requests of clients with characteristics of operators. It allows to predict precisely what resources of contact center need to be used for achievement of necessary business result.

Possibilities of the solution Genesys Predictive Routing allow to reach the necessary indicators in the field of sales, marketing and service: try to obtain growth of customer satisfaction, increase performance of work of employees, increase revenue and income, to reduce expenses, to reduce time of request processing and to improve a problem resolution indicator at the first address (FCR).

So, thanks to Genesys Predictive Routing, the participant of the Canadian market of media and telecommunications of Rogers Communications Inc company. it was succeeded to increase value of retention ratio of clients by 3% and for 7% to reduce the average time of call processing. Kevin Jolliffe, the vice president of Rogers for corporate planning, notes: "Genesys Predictive Routing is the solution which allows to put into practice machine learning technologies and to select the competent operator for request processing of the client. Use of Genesys Predictive Routing will allow us to increase even more service quality, to reduce time of call processing and to increase productivity of employees that as a result will provide excellent results for business in general".

One of telecommunication operators in Western Europe could increase value of the index of a customer loyalty (NPS) on four points, lower by 4% an indicator of FCR and for 3% — the average time of call processing. One more example: the Australian telecom and media operator using Genesys Predictive Routing ensured an exit to steadily high levels of NPS.

As forecast routing works

If traditional routing (in turn or taking into account skills of call center operators) is based on the static tree logical network of decision making and the preset selection terms, then in Genesys Predictive Routing all data array on customer service, as earlier saved up, and arriving in real time and also algorithms of the artificial intelligence (AI) is used. These algorithms in the automatic mode reveal the pacing factors having an impact on interaction of clients with operators. On the basis of complex profiles of clients where preferable communication channels are considered, names of the purchased products, last requests, last transactions and other data, AI are created by a number of models. Similar models form also for operators. In them work experience, knowledge, skills, the history of interactions and indicators of effectiveness are considered. All this is necessary for selection of the most exact compliance of requests of the client and opportunities of the operator. Models of clients and operators are constantly supplemented and specified therefore each interaction makes a contribution to service quality improvement.

The Predictive Routing functions of an uzhedostupna as a part of the Genesys PureEngage platform for all channels — voice, text, web chats and social networks. Thanks to the architecture of microservices, general for all solutions, the company is going to implement functionality of Predictive Routing on the PureConnect and PureCloud platforms in 2018. AI technologies are also applied in many developments of the company created within the strategy of the mixed intelligence (Blended AI) which integrates possibilities of program bots and operators for fast problem solving of clients. At last, they are used in the AI assistant to Kate where possibilities of AI, machine learning and analytics in real time connect. Kate allows to lift customer service to new level regarding forecast accuracy, personalisation and pro-activity.