Developers: | Hewlett-Packard (HP) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | September, 2014 |
Technology: | BI |
On September 3, 2014 the HP company released HP Business Intelligence Modernization Services — the service package and services designed to help the organizations to improve customer relations, to open new business opportunities and to cut down expenses.
As stated in the statement of HP the majority of solutions in the field of a business intelligence do not support data of new types and are capable to generate reports only on the basis of traditional information arrays. However few traditional data — to it an opportunity to process unstructured information and also the machine data collected, for example, by counters in real time is necessary for modern business. The packet of services, architecture and technologies of HP is designed to help customers to optimize the environments of analytics by means of integration of Big Data.
The packet of Business Intelligence Modernization Services offers complex approach to analytics which covers detection, assessment, upgrade and data translation. Besides, the customer can select different options of deployment and use of these services for continuous information management.
Services HP Business Intelligence Modernization help to satisfy three major business needs in the field of data analysis: detection — visualization tools provide fast detection of data in scales of all organization; data analysis — HP proposes solutions which provide accomplishment of specific requirements of business in respect of data analysis; management of hybrid data — special services allow to integrate means of analytics into business processes and systems which use the relevant data.
Services HP Business Intelligence Modernization integrate the software, the equipment and consulting services. They help the companies to provide predictability of expenses, to adjust customer relations and to be focused on innovations.
Among opportunities for clients: flexible and scalable models of use the hosting provider has aaS services, private "cloud", solutions based on the physical equipment of the customer or with placement; services — the software from HP and her partners, including the HAVEn Big Data Platform HP platform (Hadoop, HP Autonomy, Vertica and Enterprise Security); the open architecture — allows customers to use the existing means and resources of a business intelligence; the managed services — solutions help to support achievement of strategic objectives of business; an ecosystem of partners — additional functions and opportunities from partners of HP.
"Today, when growth of amounts of data considerably advances evolution of technologies of their processing, existence of the thought-over strategy of management of Big Data is the critical success factor — Martin Risau, the senior vice president for analytics and data management, HP Enterprise Services is sure. — Our solutions are exclusively flexible in respect of deployment. The customer can select option, optimal for himself and be focused on those opportunities which open data for development of its business".