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HP Peer Motion

Developers: Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Date of the premiere of the system: August, 2011
Technology: DWH

On September 1, 2011 the HP company complemented the portfolio of the systems of Convergent storage with the new software of HP of Peer Motion which allows to implement advantages of so-called "federirovanny" storage systems (federated storage systems). The most important of them is an opportunity to transfer workloads between the disk systems in the virtualized and cloud computing environments without interruption of operation of applications.

In September, 2011 provided to HP new storage systems of HP P10000 of 3PAR Storage System for data processing centers which maintain functionality of providing IT in the form of service (IaaS) in private and public cloud environments. New opportunities are first of all optimization of simultaneous operation of a large number of applications in a cloud, so-called multi-user storage system. In addition new storage systems include the improved technology of effective use of disk space Thin Provisioning and the independent mechanism of balancing of loading which provides flexibility of redistribution of resources of storage system depending on requirements of business applications.

According to the forecast of analysts of IDC company, by 2012 85% of new applications will be developed counting upon placement in cloud environments. (1) For effective work of such applications it is required to integrate "islands" of infrastructure of storage so that they functioned as a unit. This new concept received the name "federirovanny" storage systems. It allows not to use the additional level of virtualization based on devices, external to DWH, thereby cutting down maintenance expenses and administration of systems and reducing a service level downside risk in DPC.

"The traditional storage systems designed 20 years ago are not expected the dynamic IaaS environments. It leads to the fact that the companies are forced to apply expensive and not always effective methods of virtualization, - Chris Johnson, the vice president of division of HP Storage in EMEA region says. - The federirovaniye mechanisms which are built in HP solutions of Converged Storage are capable to work in the conditions of dynamic and difficult predictable loading of multi-user environments. They help to reduce costs, to simplify administration and to provide the required service level in DPC".

Adaptability as an opportunity for work with unpredictable loadings

The software of HP of Peer Motion available to storage systems of HP LeftHand and 3PAR Storage Systems, for the first time in the industry provides a possibility of a peer-to-peer federirovaniye of storage systems, beginning from virtual networks of data storage of SAN and finishing with disk arrays of the middle and senior class. HP Peer Motion for HP 3PAR and HP LeftHand allows:

  • provide invariable performance and redistribute workloads by means of mechanisms of a federirovaniye and depending on changes in a multi-user environment;
  • accelerate payback of the equipment thanks to existence of the federal Thin Provisioning mechanism which it is transparent for applications transfers data to free storage systems, thereby reducing the needs for acquisition of additional capacities;
  • avoid scheduled downtimes and interruptions in operation of applications at data transfer from old arrays on newer in the course of hardware upgrade, using management tools federirovanny capacity.

"Our researches confirm that conclusion to which heads on IT around the world come namely that we will not be able to use the same approach to the organization of storage systems in DPC of the next generation, - Steve Duplessie, the founder and the senior analyst of the Enterprise Strategy Group company specializing in the field of IT analytics and development of business strategy says. - The new HP 3PAR platform completely meets all requirements for storage systems of the 1st Level in model of DPC of the next generation".