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Hyper convergent infrastructure of OTV ev3

Developers: Open Tekhnologii Virtualizatsi
Last Release Date: 2020/06/05
Technology: Virtualization,  DWH

Hyper convergent infrastructure of OTV ev3 (reg.No. 5036 in the register of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications) – the software-defined solution providing virtualization of calculations, network interaction and storage

2020: Confirmation of compatibility of the products RED Software and "Open Technologies of Virtualization"

On June 5, 2020 it became known that the companies "RED SOFTWARE" and "Open Technologies of Virtualization" within technology partnership held testing for compatibility of the products. Developers confirmed correctness of work of hyper convergent infrastructure of OTV ev3 (productions "Open Technologies of Virtualization") with the operating system RED OS (production of RED SOFT). Results of tests are reflected in the bilateral certificate of compatibility.

RED OS - multi-user, the multitasking operating system of general purpose for servers and workstations providing the universal environment for use of the application software. The product has the FSTEC certificate of Russia (No. 4060 of 1/12/2019) that confirms its compliance to requirements of information security and allows its application in the state information systems.

Hyper convergent Infrastructure of OTV ev3 is constructed by the principle of modular architecture, has the high level of abstraction from the equipment and is intended for problems of consolidation of calculations and data in the conditions of the high level of isolation of workloads that ensures safety of storage and information processing within business process automation of the enterprises, financial companies and banks.

Main goal of import substitution - creation of complete domestic solutions. Following this direction, RED SOFT holds testing for compatibility with the IT companies of the most different profile. We thank colleagues from "Open Technologies of Virtualization" for cooperation,

Rustam Rustamov, the deputy CEO of RED SOFT comments

We hope that last testing will become the beginning of long-term cooperation. We are always open for interaction of this sort, especially so far as concerns the projects connected with import substitution. As a result of similar activities our clients receive understanding of the compatibility level of domestic goods that, certainly, reduces their risks and reduces implementing solutions time,

Gavrilova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, the CEO "Open Technologies of Virtualization" comments

2017: Registration of the rights to hyper convergent infrastructure of OTV ev3

In 2017 the rights to hyper convergent infrastructure of OTV ev3 are registered, deliveries of the solution to the first customers began. The created software product has not only functions, standard for this class softwarevirtualizations of calculations, storage and network interaction — but also a number of distinctive options. Among them the built-in means of telemetry allowing to perform monitoring of virtual and hardware resources as directly being a part of the solution, and external in relation to it are noted. Means of the publication and fast deployment of the applications including business focused are implemented what allows to reduce significantly time of an output of applied business solutions in commercial operation.