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Баннер в шапке 2

INPAS Soft E-slip

Developers: INPAS Soft (INPAS Software)
Last Release Date: 2020/01/20
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit

E-slip is the module for processing and sending electronic bank checks (slips) and signatures to them from sales points on servers for their centralized storage. Access to slips is provided using any web browser from a personal account which provides necessary and convenient tools for search of electronic checks and their export for printing.

2020: Integration with UNIPOS

On January 20, 2020 the INPAS company reported that it will complete deliverable POS terminals with software modules of RemoteKeyLoader (RKL) and E-slip.

According to the company, modules will be loaded in the course of pre-sale preparation and to be activated at the request of banks and the trade and service companies (TSC). Earlier program components were installed only on an individual request. Read more here.