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IT-Lite: IDM. Managing Credentials

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: IT-Lite (iT Light)
Technology: Information Security - Authentication

"IDM. Management of credentials" on the "1C:Enterprise 8 of" platform is a system for automating the processes of centralized management of accounts and user rights.

2024: IDM Product Overview.Credential Management

Identity Management is IDM a system software that allows organizations to control access to their information resources and applications.

The IDM Accounting Management system solves the following main tasks:

  1. User Account Management - Allows you to create, modify, block, and delete user accounts (CDs) in your systems.
  2. Synchronize user data between information systems. This includes synchronizing information about employees, their positions, departments, contact details, and other attributes.
  3. Access rights management: IDM allows you to manage the access rights of users in the IS based on data from personnel sources. This includes assigning and removing group policies, controlling access to resources and applications, and managing user roles and rights.
  4. Automation of processes: IDM allows you to automate the processes of creating, changing and deleting users' CDs. For example, when a new employee is accepted, IDM can automatically create his CD in Active Directory, create a postal address, issue access and assign the necessary access rights in systems and applications: 1C, CRM, EDM, MCDS, Service Desk, and many others. And also automate the processes of coordination and issuance of access rights.

Read more about the system in the article.