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IT Expertise: START (Services and Components Control Panel)

Developers: IT Expertise
Last Release Date: 2025/03/06
Technology: ITSM - IT Service Management Systems


Main article: IT Service Management (ITSM)

2025: Release START 1.2

An updated release of START 1.2 has been released. IT Expertise (IT Expertise) announced this on March 6, 2025.

In this version, they focused on two areas: raising security and multiplayer mode.

Now in one Multiple users can work on a START instance. For safe access to START is implemented user authorization using logins and passwords.

Increased the safety of work in START with 1C clusters as follows:

  • Added encryption for sensitive data related to cache and cookie settings sent over the network
  • For each START user, 1C cluster access credentials are stored encrypted in separate files. Authorization data is no longer stored in browser cookies, as it was in previous versions
  • Caching of confidential data is implemented - when reconnecting to the objects of the 1C cluster structure, data from encrypted cookies is used
  • Individual connection to RAS remote administration server is used for each user session


Inclusion in the register of domestic software

Service and Component Control Panel Product (START) is included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software. IT Expertise (IT Expertise) announced this on November 18, 2024.

Registry entry No. 24718 of 15.11.2024

Initially developed a cross-platform management console in servers 1C as an internal tool and to help colleagues from IT teams customers. And then it was decided to help the entire 1C community improve convenience administration of 1C clusters, eliminating dependence on the used [[operating system]] and the need to use the command line.

START has a single interface and the same application behavior on both Linux and Windows. Helps you avoid the complexity of using the administration mechanism 1C in various operating systems. And also closes a number of other needs on a huge layer 1C infrastructure administration tasks.

Version 1.1 with "Full-Text Search Service, Version 2"

IT Expertise August 22, 2024 presented an updated version of the cluster management utility servers 1C - START.

It contains correction of detected errors.

A total of 11 errors have been fixed.

For current browser tree connections, remembers its position and restores it after updating the page.

Now you can upload the selected information base (IS) 1C to the 1C Shortcut. The option is available in the right mouse button menu in the information security list in the connection tree.

Added Full-Text Service to Functionality Assignment Requirements (TPF) search, version 2 "

The IP port range is extended to five digits. Now you can add workers servers with ports in the range 00001:99999

Support for the Closed-Loop Software Environment (IPS) for Astra Linux has been added.

When you create a service OS Windows in, you can now specify to run on behalf of the system.

When you create a service, you specify the User Name:

  • LocalSystem - The service is created without requiring a password, it starts on behalf of the system
  • USR1CV8 - The service is created and a password is required. User in the card

appears as. "\USR1CV8 "

Red OS Compatibility 8

The companies Smart Solutions LLC (part of the IT-Expertise group of companies) and Red Software LLC, within the framework of a technological partnership, successfully tested the joint operation of the START software product with the Red OS 8 operating system. The user can manage the 1C infrastructure through START, configure cluster parameters, administer processes, update services, while using the advantages of a convenient RED OS 8 environment to solve other problems. About this "IT-Expertise" reported on August 7, 2024.

Good news: START is fully compatible with RED OS 8. Considering that we distribute START for free, confirming compatibility with the current version of the domestic OS will allow hundreds of IT specialists to do their important work every day - without unnecessary problems and additional labor costs, "said Vyacheslav Savlyuk, General Director of IT Expertise Group.

Accessibility and convenience of operation are important aspects around which the logic of RED SOFT development is built. We are pleased to offer our users a compatible product from the IT-Expertise company, which helps to solve the problems of administering the 1C infrastructure through a convenient graphical interface, - added Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

2023 Support for 1C Storage Server Services

IT Expertise continues to develop a free application for the 1C - START community (Services and Components Control Panel), which helps simplify and facilitate the administration of 1C servers, including import-substituted operational systems and DBMS. The company announced this on November 15, 2023.

The global release of version 1.0 took place in June 2023. Over the past time, IT Expertise has received good feedback from administrators of server clusters based on the 1C: Enterprise 8 technology platform.

In addition, IT Expertise is constantly developing the START product - fixing errors, adding capabilities to it and increasing convenience.

On November 15, 2023, an update was released containing a 15 bug fix and adding features to the START application. The app is still distributed free of charge. You can get an updated version on the official developer page:

List of major changes:

  • Supports 1C Storage Server Services
  • Optimized running scripts for Windows and Linux
  • A systemd service file is more correctly created in a script for Linux
  • In startup scripts, you can now specify the full path to the desired version of Java
  • Description and Name columns added to the list of information bases DB
  • In sessions, the Sleep Through and Finish Through column data displays the expected values
  • Faster application when processing a large number of clusters and databases
  • Fixed the algorithm for calculating the used licenses
  • The situation is correctly processed when the information base is removed from the list, when it is no longer in the DBMS
  • Indication of selection of rows in the list of information bases behaves correctly when updating this list