The name of the base system (platform): | ITender |
Developers: | FogSoft (Fogsoft) |
Last Release Date: | 2016 |
Technology: | SRM - Vendor relationship management, trade Automation systems |
Content |
In December, 2012 the Fogsoft company announced release of the next updating of electronic marketplaces on implementation of property of debtors on bankruptcy on the iTender platform.
The possibility of the electronic marketplaces (EM) on the iTender-Bankrotstvo platform to accept certificates of electronic signatures according to new law No. 63-FZ "About the electronic signature" became one of important changes.
As developers explained, for participation in biddings on implementation of property of debtors on bankruptcy on electronic platforms it is necessary to have the electronic signature. "Now all 19 ETPs of the bankrupt sector work at the iTender platform within the law 'About the Electronic Digital Signature' No. 1-FZ, but so will be not always" — noted in Fogsoft.
According to Mikhail Fogilev, the expert of Fogsoft, till July 1, 2013 electronic marketplaces on implementation of property of debtors on bankruptcy still will be able to accept electronic signatures according to law No. 1-FZ, however the law does not prohibit to work by new rules according to the law "about the electronic signature" already since the beginning of 2012.
Let's remind what 1-FZ is provided by only one type of the electronic digital signature (EDS). In turn, 63-FZ enters three categories of signatures: simple, the unqualified strengthened and qualified strengthened. In a number a case use of qualified signature is required, in particular, when tendering on "bankrupt" ETPs. Besides, on 1-FZ, platforms can decide what electronic signatures of the certification centers (CC) to accept and what — are not present. On 63-FZ electronic marketplaces are obliged to accept the qualified signature of any certification center accredited the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications emphasized in Fogsoft company.
In addition to adding of the scheme of the verification of electronic signatures of users corresponding 63-FZ, organizers and bidders on the platforms iTender will see also other changes. According to developers, platforms became even more conveniently and quicker. Trade procedures and the interface of ETP are also optimized.
"Our platform is constantly improved, doing process on tendering and participation in trade procedures by the most clear and transparent for each its user" — the CEO of Center Implementations ETP Oleg Akhmadiyev told. He also noted that with developers of the platform they always are in the dialog mode, jointly discussing parts of future updates.
In January, 2013 the Fogsoft company provided to Ukraine upgraded version of the electronic trading system on implementation of property of debtors of iTender-Bankrotstvo. Now she completely corresponds to new edition of the Law "About Recovery of Solvency of the Debtor or Recognition by His Bankrupt" and can decide even more important for organizers and bidders of tasks.
Let's remind, new edition of the law of Ukraine of 12/22/2011 No. 4212-VI "About recovery of solvency of the debtor or recognition by his bankrupt" on January 19, 2013 became effective. Introduction of a concept of electronic auctions became one of the most significant changes, and now the property of debtors can be sold on specialized electronic marketplaces. Earlier all biddings as on implementation of this type of property were carried out traditionally on paper.
Create the specialized electronic marketplaces (EM) on implementation of property of debtors and only the physical persons and legal entities having the corresponding license for tendering can organize biddings on them. They are potential customers of platforms on the iTender-Bankrotstvo platform.
Automation of trade procedures will save organizers and bidders from paperwork. It will be possible "to bargain" from any point of the country and the world in real time therefore an opportunity to participate in auctions will appear literally at everyone. Therefore, biddings will become more competitive, and the property will be possible is implemented at actual market value.
- Our electronic marketplace is 2.5 years old, monthly we register more than 500 biddings for the amount more than 7 billion rubles — the CEO of one of popular platforms in Russia on implementation of property of debtors of JSC Center of implementation Oleg Akhmadiyev tells. — Yes, in Russia the law requires "be trading" electronically, but many organizers of biddings which work at our ETP consider that it is really convenient to implement property using electronic platforms, and, above all it is effective.
Upgraded version of iTender-Bankrotstvo conforms to requirements of the Ukrainian law fully. In particular all technical features described in the new edition where, for example, it is defined that electronic biddings can last not less than 15 days are considered, a system should give an opportunity to participants of electronic biddings to submit proposals on the price to within 1 kopek. Besides, a system owes smooth operation on carrying out electronic biddings, perform visualization of all offers with reference to code numbers of the participants who made offers during the auction in real time and also within seven years after its termination.
The iTender-Bankrotstvo system provides application of the electronic digital signature for ensuring legally significant electronic document management and the legal importance of the held auction, according to requirements of the DSTU 4145-2002 cryptographic standard.
As noted in Fogsoft, to electronic marketplaces on the iTender-Bankrotstvo platform after updating there was an opportunity to connect the financial module iFinance which will make process of management of cash flows on each bidding fast, qualitative and safe.
Earnings of the owner of future platform on implementation of property of debtors on bankruptcy will depend directly on the trading volume carried out on it. For example, on remunerations for each bidding or temporary use of means of providing which amount can be considerable.
The Fogsoft company updated the electronic trading system for implementation of property of bankrupts of "iTender-Bankrotstvo", having changed a method of determination of winners within the "public offer" procedure. On June 22, 2015 became effective changes of federal law 127-FZ "About insolvency (bankruptcy)". In particular, the order of determination of the winner in public offers changed. Innovations demanded from Fogsoft of release of updating of the iTender-Bankrotstvo system which is used for the organization and tendering for implementation of property of bankrupts on 30 electronic marketplaces in Russia.
As explained in Fogsoft, originally biddings selling property of bankrupts take place on electronic marketplaces by means of an auction on increase or tender. In an auction the participant, offered high price becomes the winner. If nobody came on an auction or tender, and this or that procedure did not take place twice, then the property of the bankrupt organization is implemented by means of a public offer.
The participant who submitted the first the application conforming to requirements with a rate not the of low price set on this interval of biddings becomes the winning bidder in the form of a public offer, published till June 22, 2015. The winner in the biddings published after June 22, 2015 is defined with last modifications in 127-FZ. "Now with participation in a public offer it is not enough to be the first — the associate director of department on work with key clients of Fogsoft company Dmitry Kabetkin specified. — If there are other offers on this lot, the one who offered the maximum price wins".
In Russia more than fifty operators of biddings on implementation of property of bankrupts work. Nevertheless, as note in Fogsoft, persons interested to enter this business still much — the bankrupt enterprises in Russia become more and more (including in connection with crises in economy). That the new electronic marketplace on implementation of property of bankrupts became the worthy competitor in the market, it is recommended to select the checked and safe instruments of electronic biddings. "ETPs on the iTender-Bankrotstvo platform conform to all these requirements" — claim in the company.
The Fogsoft company updated at the beginning of 2016 the iTender-Bankrotstvo system using which nearly a third of all electronic marketplaces on implementation of property of bankrupts in Russia works today. Now a system corresponds to rules of the become effective order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2015 No. 495.
As noted, order No. 495 "About the statement of an order of tendering electronically selling property or the enterprise of debtors during the procedures applied in the case of bankruptcy, requirements to operators of electronic platforms, to electronic platforms, including the technology, software, linguistic, legal and organizational tools necessary for tendering electronically selling property or the enterprise of debtors during the procedures, applied in the case of bankruptcy, introduction of amendments to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 No. 178 and recognition become invalid for some orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation" became effective on March 8, 2016.
Earlier it was possible to submit the application for participation in biddings, without paying attention to the list of obligatory documents. Requests with an incomplete set of documents arrived to organizers of biddings, but, as a rule, were rejected. In the new version of a system at application potential bidders, as well as earlier, see all necessary list of required documentation, only now a system automatically does not allow to ignore it, specified in the company.
Besides, when sending the application for participation in biddings the user had an opportunity to automatically load the documents which are already added at registration for ETP. "Earlier, to potential bidders documents from the computer were necessary to load every time and to sign them with the electronic signature. Now it is possible to use already loaded and signed.
Besides, the integration module with EFRS demanded some completions. Check of compliance of the electronic signature is also added (now in a system only the qualified EDS can be used).
A system works taking into account new technical requirements to performance of ETP — according to Fogsoft, the number of addresses per hour grew by 10 times (50 thousand instead of 5). System operation performance without the need for upgrade of the server hardware of operators of electronic marketplaces was also succeeded to raise the companies. It became possible thanks to complex optimization of a server part of a system.
Certain changes concerned an order of holding a procedure of a public offer which as consider in Fogsoft, "purchased strict regulations and clear logic". The company explained that earlier it was unimportant to what interval the application is submitted: the organizer of biddings could open it at any moment, for example, having defined the winner in a minute after submission of the only request. Now everything became more unambiguous and protected from corruption schemes.
According to new rules, requests for consideration to the organizer come pointervalno now. So the organizer has no right to consider the arrived requests, the first interval of reduction of price will not end yet, specified in the company. Upon completion of an interval of the request are given for consideration to the organizer by a complete packet (consideration term — 5 days).
At the beginning of May updating of a system became available to all operators of the ETP created based on the iTender-Bankrotstvo system. According to developers, adaptation of a system under requirements of order No. 495 was not the most large-scale project of updates of 2016. In March large update which aggregated wishes of clients in the last two years was released. Among the new features which appeared in a system — the uniform button which one click it is possible to generate all protocols on a set of lots of one bidding at once and one clicking them to sign all. According to representatives of Fogsoft, this tool is demanded for multilot trading and allows to save time to organizers of biddings.