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iTender SRM

The name of the base system (platform): ITender
Developers: FogSoft (Fogsoft)
Date of the premiere of the system: March, 2018
Last Release Date: 2018/10/23
Technology: SRM - Vendor relationship management


iTender SRM is a vendor relationship management system.

iTender SRM optimizes purchase management and suppliers, including collecting of requirements, purchase planning, quality management of suppliers, holding trade procedures, purchases of small volumes, control of performance of agreements, formation of statistics and reports.

The uniform base of a system is provided:

  • nomenclature of purchases,
  • register of agreements,
  • information on performance of contracts and stages of payment,
  • register of suppliers,
  • the history of interaction with each partner,
  • parts of the organization and carrying out electronic biddings,
  • register of purchases.


The subsystem of registration and information management about the organization is updated

On October 23, 2018 announced Fogsoft a release of the next version of a vendor relationship management system of iTender SRM. In the list of updates — the subsystem of registration and information management about the organization allowing to use one account for all subsystems of SRM; automatic loading of negotiation documents in SRM from the workflow system.

A system is improved by management of standard reference books (NSI), the master system of updating and normalization of information about partners and the nomenclature is finished.

In a system there was "A situational command center" which allows the head to trace in real time keyword parameters of purchasing activity of the enterprise.

Using iTender SRM of the company will simplify usual processes, optimize a routine and will release time of employees. Processes of corporate purchases will become more transparent that will facilitate to the top manager control of stages, problem points and actions of purchasing department and the related divisions[1].

Announcement of iTender SRM

The Russian company "Fogsoft" announced on May 5, 2018 development of the system of vendor relationship management of iTender SRM. The integrator expanded usual opportunities of automation of purchases. Standard SRM tools are complemented with the system of assessment of a goodwill and corporate electronic shop.

The iTender SRM system does not pull down, and simplifies usual processes, saves employees from a routine and gives them time for intellectual work, use of instruments of strategic management, innovations — Sergey Yurov, the director of the department of special projects of Fogsoft company noted.

The solution iTender SRM is the tool for the company executive who with his help easily controls all processes of purchasing department, makes management decisions and maximizes investment profitability. For the purchasing manager of iTender SRM — an opportunity to increase the level of the organization of purchasing activity.

Using iTender SRM, responsible specialists of the company will be aware of purchases and vendor relations, thanks to consolidated acquisition.

Besides, iTender SRM include the Rating of Suppliers system — the tool for assessment of a goodwill of the partner. The single database of rating contains information on partners of the enterprise and the history of work with them on the basis of which the index of a goodwill of the supplier is calculated. The technique of calculations on the basis of only the confirmed facts is used.

In turn, large enterprises the Corporate Online Store system which will help to optimize process of acquisition of invaluable goods can interest. Its task — to reduce operating costs of holding procurement procedures of goods which are significantly higher than the cost of goods.

iTender SRM can be integrated with the official site of the unified information system in the field of purchases (, the corporate website of the customer and ERP systems.

Module of quality management of suppliers

Fogsoft announced in the spring of 2018 development of the automated control system for quality of suppliers — the module of the complete solution iTender SRM. Using this instrument of monitoring and interaction with partners, customers will be able to affect quality and performance of key suppliers and not to allow critical situations.

Actions of the companies aimed at effective development, as a rule, include also optimization of the sector of corporate purchases. It is possible to solve this problem using a vendor relationship management system (SRM — Supplier relationship management).

"What is necessary for the customer from the supplier: adequate prices, quality goods, works and services, operational communication, minimum of overheads, adherence to deadlines of delivery and other clauses of the contract — the director of the department of special projects of Fogsoft Sergey Yurov told. — The management tool quality of system providers "iTender SRM" is the mechanism of effective interaction at all stages of cooperation when the customer can not only control, but also participate in continuous and sustainable development of partners within the strategy of win-win".

At such approach, according to the expert, the customer can reduce terms of finished product output, having increased thereby the speed of reversing of the capital. Besides, the solution will provide minimization of technological, operational, financial, social, natural, legislative, legal, image risks.

In a system carrying out preliminary qualification of suppliers on the selected commodity groups and regions of delivery is available. The companies which passed qualification get to base of suppliers where assessment of their work is performed. A system builds different ratings which form on the basis of qualitative and quantitative indices.

The questionnaires completed both by suppliers, and employees interacting with them are applied to quality evaluation and performance.

Risks assessment occurs in a subsystem of calculation of rating of a goodwill of suppliers where the algorithm of calculation of points is based on the theory of risks. A system calculates possible effects for each risk, calculates the probability of approach it in the future (on the history of vendor interaction) and gives total value of risk assessment on each partner.

As information sources a system can also use the structured data on vendor interaction from the internal accounting systems of the company and the structured data from open external sources: EIS, EFRSB, USRLE, Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, open data of FTS, GMTs information online-resources of Rosstat, registers of unfair suppliers, card file of arbitration cases, system of collecting of information about partners (SPARK-Interfax, Contour-Focus, Face: Expert and similar). Besides, unstructured data from open sources (information on social networks and on the websites), results of exit certification of quality of suppliers can be considered.

At assessment the criteria allowing the customer to obtain online operational information about a current status of his suppliers are used. Evaluation criteria can be any: experience of production/deliveries/rendering services/execution of works on commodity groups, experience of participation in biddings, presence/absence in the Register of unfair suppliers and similar registers, production capacities on regions, financial and economic stability, quality, labor protection, industrial security, an ecological factor, etc.
