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Incisive CT (KT-scanner)

Developers: Philips Healthcare
Date of the premiere of the system: March, 2019
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: PACS

2019: Announcement

At the beginning of March, 2019 the Philips Healthcare company provided the new computer tomograph which will be on sale with a lifelong guarantee for a tube.

The Incisive CT model developed taking into account decrease in total ownership cost with a diameter of opening of 72 cm became the first KT-scanner delivered with a lifelong guarantee for a x-ray tube which Philips undertakes to replace throughout all system lifecycle. Ideally, it will reduce operating expenses approximately by $400 thousand.

The considered tube – the new vMRC project created on the basis of a tube of MRC which experience of application in Philips is calculated decades. The component is equipped with additional software and sensors for remote monitoring. Supporting scanning with 64 and 128 cuts, Incisive CT can perform the majority of procedures, including visualization of tumors and heart.

Quality control, efficiency and safety of application of Incisive CT several systems ensure. Software of DoseWise Portal controls a dose of radiation of patients and personnel, and the packet of Philips iDose4 Premium prevents emergence of artifacts and improves spatial resolution when using low doses of contrast. Besides, the scanner is supplied with the O-MAR system for reduction of number of the artifacts caused by big orthopedic implants.

Philips provided the KT-scanner with a lifelong guarantee for a tube

The scanner is also equipped a series of improvements of the console, such as controls on a side frame of OnPlan allowing doctors preliminary to configure scanning directly at the patient's bed. Such functions improve image quality and reduce artifacts of the movement, and the recent research showed that as a result duration of scanning decreased by 19%.

A system is also capable to be integrated with IntelliSpace Portal for postprocessing of difficult data: the portal provides access to enhanced capabilities of visualization, IntelliSpace PACS and the operational software for work optimization.[1]
