Developers: | INFIN |
Last Release Date: | November, 2011 |
Technology: | ERP |
The history of the INFIN — Management system contains more than 20 years. During this time she grew up from the small accounting MS-DOS-based application in the complete solution for thousands of the enterprises, beginning from small firms and finishing such corporations as Lukoil and Mechel. The corporate style "INFIN is Management" orientation to the end user is. A system easily adapts and offers powerful functionality for business process automation on any sections of the enterprise. At the same time it is not necessary to involve programmers or other specially trained people to its maximum use — the user is capable to configure independently the workplace, the interface is intuitive.
The Infin company announced in November, 2011 receiving by the flagman ERP system " " of the certificate of conformity to the Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ "About personal data".
According to it, requirements to all private and state companies and the organizations and also individuals which store increase in Russia, collect, transfer or process personal data. For its non-compliance administrative and criminal liability is provided. And in fact, it concerns any enterprise at which automation systems of business processes are used.
The most delicate moment in the text of the law "About Personal Data" is that each enterprise should develop a package of measures for personal data protection of the employees and clients independently. At the same time automation systems are an important, but not the only component of this complex.
In a case with solutions based on the ERP system of Infin Management heads of the enterprises can be quiet: the received certificate extends to all its modules, beginning from Salary and Personnel and finishing Logistics and other.
The certificate is issued on the basis of results of the certification tests which are carried out by testing laboratory Eshelon Scientific and Production Association Ltd (the certificate of accreditation of 6/3/2009 No. of information security facility RU.2321.B011.033) — the technical conclusion of 10/12/2011, and the expert opinion of 11/2/2011 of certification body of Centre bezopasnosti informatsii LLC (the certificate of accreditation of 2/9/2007 No. of information security facility RU.117.A10.004).
All users of a system " ", the valid agreement on service of products, have a possibility of use of the last certified versions of products.
On December 5, 2011 the Infin company announced completion of works over new release of the flagman ERP system INFIN Management. In it necessary support of last modifications of the Russian legislation, including implementation of new settlement schemes and charge of insurance premiums and also changes in calculation of the PIT was implemented.
According to the changes made to the Federal law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "About mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation" since 2012 concepts a solidary part of a rate of insurance premiums and an individual part of a rate of insurance premiums are entered. In practice it means transition to the new mechanism of calculation and charge of insurance premiums for the enterprise. Changes in it were so essential that to implement them within the existing software products it appeared it is impossible.
The Infin company announces one of the first support of all changes of the Russian legislation. They are implemented in the version of a system INFIN Management 9.1.021 which already in the second half of December will be available to installation after the end of functional and stress testing.
Due to the entered changes, two contributions are added to the reference book of types of SV (7 — the Solidary part of a rate of insurance premiums and 8 — the Individual part of a rate of insurance premiums) and setup of a scale is changed. Especially we pay your attention that the reference book of types of insurance premiums cannot be changed or added by the user, all corrections are made to it at the programming layer. In the module "INFIN−zarplata" the reference book of deductions on the PIT was added that was made according to changes in Paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding standard tax deductions.
Also we remind that in November, 2011 a system INFIN Management was certified on compliance to the law "About Personal Data" that next year will be essentially important for each enterprise.
Considering all aforesaid, we strongly recommend to set release INFIN Management to 9.1.021 all users of a packet: timely updating of a system of considerable facilitates the accountant's life, reduces costs of the enterprise and, as a result, increases mood of all his employees. And in the end of the year it is especially important.
INFIN. Management 2012
INFIN — Management version 2012 for the first time offers the users remote work with a system via the Internet. It became compatible to a packet of " Infin.trio " which can be used as the web interface for work with data via the Internet from any place in the world. It is implemented without any damage to security and safety of confidential information.
The program began to work even better with external sources. Now data from them can be used as when calculating, and creation of reports. For filling of forms of the external reporting the feature for a task of the parameter list which will be requested before calculation and to be used in printing is added. At data reception from the documents MS Excel it is possible to install necessary filters.
Special attention was paid to the modules "Salary" and "Personnel". Work with the sheet of working time was improved; the mechanism of change tracking of the resident status is added; there was a possibility of the separated storage of an experience on the companies; calculation of the connected sick leave notes of employees is implemented.
In general high-speed performance of the INFIN — Management system became higher that will be especially noticeable during the work with big arrays of information. Entry procedures and changes of data were optimized. The new mode "Automatic Calculations" allows to execute automatic postings several times quicker. Group adjustment of documents was accelerated, the concept of scenarios of group adjustment is entered.
At last, in INFIN — Management version 2012 the security system was modified. The program supports tokens that provides strict authentication at login and at accomplishment of the crucial modes. Also now it is possible to set individual access rights on fields of documents and reference books, there was an opportunity to trace the author and date of record of currency rates and data for payroll. In November, 2011 a system " " received the certificate of conformity to the law "About Personal Data".
In total in the twelfth version of the INFIN — Management system there are several tens of different changes and improvements. It will go for sale at the end of February, 2012. All clients of Infin company having the current agreement on maintenance will receive it free of charge.