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InfoWatch Data Discovery

Developers: InfoWatch
Last Release Date: 2022/10/07

Keynote Article: DCAP Data-Centric Audit and Protection Audit and Data Protection

2022: InfoWatch Data Discovery 1.4

On October 7, 2022, InfoWatch Group introduced an updated version of InfoWatch Data Discovery 1.4 - DCAP solutions (Data-Centric Audit and Protection) with a prototype of data clustering technology for automatic analysis of file storage and workstations using artificial intelligence.

According to InfoWatch, the Russian volume of the DCAP systems market in 2021 amounted to more than 2 billion. rubles The demand for audit solutions, in IT infrastructures terms of compliance IT INFORMATION SECURITY and policies for managing the company's information assets, is due to several factors.

First of all, this is a sharply increased number of confidential information leaks due to the fault of employees and, as a result, a sharp increase in the need of large and medium-sized companies to identify all employees who have access to files with confidential information. Secondly, the accelerated refusal of Russian companies from foreign software in connection with the departure of foreign vendors: the bulk of solutions of this class in Russia were occupied by information security products of foreign origin.

DCAP products are traditionally designed to solve the problems of identifying violations of the rules for storing confidential information that is not in motion, as when working with DLP, but at rest, detecting copies of such information, inventory such files and controlling access to them. This makes it possible to timely identify violations when working with absolutely all groups of confidential data and mitigate a significant part of information security risks. Additional means of analyzing documents with their subsequent clustering using artificial intelligence technologies will expand the range of tasks to be solved and at the same time significantly reduce the time for solving them. Using the product in conjunction with the DLP system will help reduce the number of information security incidents. When all types and versions of documents circulating in the company are known, all modified and newly added files are automatically checked, DLP system security policies are up to date. We plan to increase the functionality of InfoWatch Data Discovery,
said Andrey Arefiev, director of innovative projects at InfoWatch Group.

InfoWatch Data Discovery works in conjunction with the InfoWatch Traffic Monitor DLP system and scans the file resources of enterprises that require information security measures.

The system makes it possible to significantly increase the quality and speed of SMT operation, partially solve the problem of lack of qualified information security specialists and reduce the cost of implementing and operating information security solutions.