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Information on real estate transactions

Developers: Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Date of the premiere of the system: May 2021
Branches: Real estate

2021: Launch of a map of Russia with statistics on real estate transactions

On May 7, 2021, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) announced the launch of a service that is an online map with statistics on real estate transactions throughout Russia. The tool was called "Information on real estate transactions," it is connected to a public cadastral card.

According to the press service of the department, with the help of thematic maps, you can view, for example, the specific number of real estate transactions by type per 100 thousand inhabitants, as well as determine which federal districts or subjects of the Russian Federation were in the lead or lagged behind in the number of registered transactions over a particular period of time. The values ​ ​ of the indicators will depend on the color that marks a particular region or federal district on the map.

Rosreestr launched a map of Russia with statistics on real estate transactions

Thematic cards are grouped by transaction types and show the number of registered mortgages, equity agreements, and sales. One of the sections presents statistics in the form of indicators, charts, graphs and a list of leading subjects of the Russian Federation, with which you can track the dynamics of changes in the number of transactions over the entire period.

With the help of a new tool, you can get information on real estate transactions in the context of 85 of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 8 federal districts, including in dynamics over 2018 - 2020 years. Information is available quarterly, as well as in general for the year. By May 2021, data for 2018-2020 are available.

According to the deputy head of Rosreestr Alexei Steinikov, the service will be useful for professional participants in the real estate market, as well as all interested citizens, as it offers a range of opportunities for real estate market analytics.[1][2]
