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K-MIS: Electronic registry

The name of the base system (platform): Karelian Medical Information System (KMIS)
Developers: End-to-end medical information systems - K-MIS
Date of the premiere of the system: June, 2010
Last Release Date: 2016
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  the Medical information system,  SUO are Management systems for queue


"The electronic registry 3" (ER) is the information system allowing to organize in the region service of maintaining the schedule of acceptance of specialists of different MO, record of patients on acceptance on the Internet, mobile devices using Personal account and authorization through a Unified identification and authentication system, mailing of notifications by e-mail and the SMS. AYR has possibilities of administration from individual preference of appearance and structure of the portal before providing access rights, allows to create required statistic and analytical reports. A system is capable to be integrated with any medical information systems MO, with "Federal electronic registry", with EPGU through Hub FER and also with "A regional information resource of KIIS" (KIIS.RIR) that allows to avoid need of introduction of a large number of data on employees and patients of MO manually.

The Electronic Registry (ER) is the software special set which allows to organize record of patients on appointments via the web interface. It is software it is created based on the platform IBM Lotus Notes/Domino therefore a server and client part of Electronic Registry can work under management Microsoft Windows Linux, Mac OS X.

Implementation of Electronic registry allows to transfer to an electronic form one of priority public services "Order taking (record) for appointment" (No. 19 according to the list approved by Government decree No. 1993 of 12/17/2009). It is included in "The register of the Russian software". A system has the certificate on state registration of the computer program No. 2016615205 granted by Federal Service for Intellectual Property on May 18, 2016.

2017: Electronic registry 3.1.07

The schedule of acceptance of doctors of all medical institutions of the region and independent making an appointment on the Internet using Personal account and authorization through [1] – here the basic functions of Electronic registry available to the patient. For convenience a system has mobile version using which patients can register in acceptance and keep track of the status of the request via the mobile phone or the tablet.

In version 3.1.07 of Electronic registry integration with the system of hands-off processing of the entering and outgoing calls for the medical organizations "MedVox" of S2S Next company is implemented, providing thereby one more writing method to the doctor. Now patients can call the selected phone number and register in acceptance. For this purpose a system exchanges in real time necessary information with Electronic registry, requesting available schedules of specialists and writing the patient for the selected time.

The Order of References service available in this version allows to organize in MO the order and issue of references for patients via the website of Electronic registry. The patients registered on the website ER directly from the house can order necessary medical certificates, keep track of the status of their accomplishment in the personal account and after to receive it in clinic or a hospital. This service is comfortable not only to patients, but also health workers who can plan and more rationally to organize work on preparation, the statement and issue on hands of the relevant medical documents.


In September "the Electronic Registry 3" is included in "The unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases".

Integration into "The hub of services FER" is added to Electronic registry

The software product of K-MIS company "Electronic registry 3" is integrated with "The hub of services FER".

The hub - a component of the Federal Electronic Registry (FER) which allows to register in appointment via the Uniform Portal of Public Services (UPPS).

Federal electronic registry – a peculiar intermediate link between the portal of state services and regional MIS. On the one hand it is connected and interacts with EPGU regarding acceptance and processing from it of requests for appointment, and on the other hand via the hub "Making an appointment with the doctor", with regional MIS is connected and exchanges the data necessary for rendering service.

Transition to the new version of the federal portal "Electronic Registry" takes place within the national project "Improvement of Processes of the Organization of Medical Care on the basis of Information Technology Implementation", thereby implementing the principle of uniform "window" of providing public services to citizens. All regions of Russia pass to identification of the patient through the Unified identification and authentication system (Unified identification and authentication system) which is some kind of electronic signature, allowing to personify far off the applicant. So its personal data which are medical secrecy will be protected. In the future it will allow physicians to spread information, for example results of diagnostic testings, in a personal account of the patient "My health" on the website

Mobile version using which patients can make an appointment with the doctor is added to functionality of Electronic Registry and keep track of the status of record from any mobile devices. At the same time a system itself will recognize from what device the input on the portal of record to the doctor is executed. The first patients of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area could estimate work of mobile version of Electronic registry. In the first month more than 2 thousand patients tested and estimated convenience of mobile version. Patients from Novy Urengoy were its most active users. A system in the first month of work recorded more than 870 records.


Work of "The mobile client" of electronic registry of K-MIS on Apple iPad and the Apple iPhone

  • Possibility of blocking of making an appointment when exceeding a limit of records in day for one person. Now AYR KIIS supports a system of limits using which it is possible to fight against spam and excessive abuse of service of record to the doctor via the Internet.
  • Coding of the addresses is improved: now at creation/change of organizations/divisions the address is filled using the reference book of KLADR which is built in the delivery AYR by KIIS
  • New feature "Archiving of outdated coupons on acceptance". Now the administrator can include and configure this function which on incident of a certain amount of time performs automatic archiving of outdated coupons. As a result of archiving coupons are not removed from a DB AYR, remain available as the history of work in a personal account of the patient, but at the same time they are excluded from a fissile region of data storage in ER that positively affects solution performance in general.
  • New feature "Removal of the archived checks" which is in essence very similar to archiving function. The difference consists that removal function if it is included, on incident of a certain amount of time performs physical removal of outdated checks that leads to reduction of volume of a DB AYR and to increase in productivity.
  • The automatic notification on the comments left by patients. Now Electronic registry performs automatic sending the copy of messages from Feedback on the mailing lists specified in settings of the solution. It allows to inform responsible persons on those messages and comments which are left by patients and users on the portal of record to the doctor via the Internet.

The different small improvements and corrections increasing convenience and stability of work with the solution.


Electronic registry of KIIS 2.2

The "End-to-end Medical Information Systems" company announced in December, 2011 completion of development of the new version of "Electronic registry of KIIS" 2.2. which structure will switch on the integration module with the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SIEI).

This module was created as completely cross-platform web application working under control of free Web servers (in the normal mode of work it is applied OPEN SOURCE- Open Source the GlassFish Server Edition server of version 3.1.1 and Java Development Kit of version 7). Development of the module was executed in the environment of Netbeans Platform 7.0, in Java language c by use of Java Development Kit of version 7. Thus, use of the module of integration does not require acquisition of the closed and paid licensed software: all solution is developed and software works entirely for Open Source, including general-system.

In terms of functionality, the module of integration is web service with all necessary methods provided by "The standard of electronic service "Order taking (record) for appointment"

Operation of the module of integration is supported both on servers of Electronic registry, and on external servers, including with their placement in cloud infrastructure. It allows to scale flexibly load of the integration module about SIEI that is very relevant for big regional projects with hundreds of health facilities and thousands of requests to the portal of record to the doctor via the Internet or to the portal state. services of the region.

The special block of settings allowing to connect health facilities to SIEI including with indication of the SIEI server, operation parameters and other attributes necessary for correct joint work of Electronic registry with external portals state is built in Electronic registry 2.2. services.

Development of the module was conducted in strict accordance with standard recommendations about web services and other technical regulations, standards and requirements regulating at present implementation of public services in electronic form including – work SIEI. Detailed documentation, including the installation instruction and setup and also the technical specification on web services, fields and other subjects of the solution is included in the package of the module of integration. These documents allow IT specialists to execute installation and connection of Electronic registry to SIEI with the minimum efforts, flexibly and consciously performing tunings of operation of mechanisms.

Using this module customers can not only implement one of priority public services "Order taking (record) for appointment" (No. 19 according to the list approved by Government decree No. 1993 of 12/17/2009), but also to provide integration of this service about SIEI in the shortest possible time and without additional costs on general-system to software.

Electronic registry of KIIS

The new version of "Electronic registry of KIIS" includes the following changes and additions:

  • Integration into the SMS gateway KMIS application of version 1.0 for mailing of notifications to patients about making an appointment is added
  • Automatic mailing of notifications to registrars about unconfirmed checks is added. Now ER itself reminds registrars in health facilities of those requests which were left without consideration so far.
  • Sorting of organizations and divisions on the homepage of ER is improved
  • Sorting of sections and professions of doctors on the page with the schedule of all doctors for specific organization is improved
  • Visual selection of intervals of an operation mode of the doctor per day is added
  • The feature to hide lists of the serviced addresses the doctor on the page of the schedule of the doctor is added (for more compact information display about the section/doctor)
  • The search capability of the doctor, on the page of the schedule of all doctors for specific organization, by coincidence of a search phrase in any part of specialty or the Full Name of the doctor is added
  • The Comment field in which it is possible to enter the additional information for patients is added to setup of the specialist, the value of this field will be displayed on the page with the schedule of the specific doctor
  • The feature to integrate the website ER into frames on other websites is added. From design all excess registrations are removed, there is only a work area for interaction with the schedule. Using this function Electronic registry can be built in any websites now without need to change design of a system.
  • The feature to block making an appointment to the IP address (function of fight against spam) is added
  • On the page with the schedule of the specific doctor, the filter on purposes of record is added
  • At an output of the list of organizations and divisions if at some of this organization there is already a website of electronic registry, there was an opportunity to indicate the website address in settings of organization/division that it allows at clique on this organization, to readdress the user on the necessary website of electronic registry

The "End-to-end Medical Information Systems" company announced in November, 2011 that the next version of a medical information system will switch on completely rewritten module of operational information about dispensary accounting. Earlier the additional application "Operational Information about Medical Examination" (working only in the environment of Windows and which is built in the Programs page was applied to obtaining different reports and reports). Now all necessary information on a status of a card file of dispensary accounting is placed in "The passport of clinic" where appropriate sections and commands are added.

  • Access restriction on medical personnel to the restricted information about the patients consisting on observation at the psychiatrist, the venereologist, etc. (earlier the "Operational Information about DN" program allowed to receive the report on all DN cards – now the user receives reports only taking into account access rights to the corresponding cards)
  • Improvement of support of the open source due to increase in number of jobs of users which can work running Linux. Since now for a medical examination subsystem no Windows applications are used, work with this module can be organized from computers under any OS: Windows, Linux or Mac OS X. Thus, now on medical examination administrators can apply different operating systems to maintaining a card file in workplaces of users, including Open Source (Novel SuSe, RedHat, Ubuntu, etc.)
  • The increased performance and the improved integration due to reduction of the middleware and need to transfer data about medical examination card files to a DB of Statistics for formation of operational reports. Now all necessary information for operational formation of idea of a medical examination status in health facilities comes directly from electronic cards of patients. At the expense of it a number of transactions are executed several times quicker, and integration between operational information about DN and the electronic medical record became significantly closer and better.

Electronic registry of KIIS

The "End-to-end Medical Information Systems" company informed in September, 2011 on preparation for release of new version "Electronic Registries of KIIS" to which the web interface optimized for work on information booths is added.

Use of information booths (or as they are called differently – "infomats") gains popularity in different regional projects of informatization of health facilities. Informata allow to lower load of personnel of registry of clinic, give an opportunity to patients to obtain necessary information online and, the most important – allow to register independently in acceptance to the necessary doctor.

The normal website of record to the doctor on the Internet was the previous version of "Electronic registry of KIIS" for infomats. The company developed specialized version of the web interface which has more convenient and intuitive solution for the new version of Electronic registry, uses animation of windows and bright screen buttons. Also new version works on keyboardless infomats and supports management via the screen (support of touch-screen).

The application is created based on XPages technology of the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino platform and is completely cross-platform solution. The application interface is available from the web browser on any of operating systems - Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Chromium OS.

Are suitable for operation of application the majority of information booths, no special requirements to the equipment and the system-wide software are shown. The application supports work as with signing up in separate health facilities, and work in regional projects where the patient can select any health facilities interesting him

Electronic registry of KIIS 2.1

In the version of "Electronic registry of KIIS" 2.1 the following changes and additions were executed:

  • Database format. Earlier AYR KIIS applied the principle to information storage "1 accounting document = the schedule for 1 day". The new version for the purpose of increase in flexibility of maintaining schedules and also taking into account proposals of customers of the company, uses the principle "1 accounting document = 1 coupon on appointment". It allows to apply absolutely different schedules of work of specialists, including electronic checks and also the schedule uneven during the day, different in acceptance duration, now.
  • Interface of the portal of making an appointment with the doctor. All interface part of the portal of making an appointment with the doctor was via the Internet completely rewritten. The new interface is based on progressive approach of Web 2.0 for which programming the XPages technology from structure of IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 is used. Due to code optimization and application of more effective remedies of development it was succeeded to improve essentially performance of the website ER KMIS, to reduce operations on page "prorisovyvaniye" in the browser, to improve appearance of a system. Besides, graphic design of the interface was improved, it is made more friendly and clear for the user, the principle of DWIM (engl. Do What I Mean) is applied. In this direction over 20 different new features, such as tooltip balloons and photos of doctors, detailed information on health facilities and opportunity to pass to the websites of health facilities, more convenient grid of the schedule, the improved means of search of doctors and schedules – and many other things are made. Improvement of the interface for patients of health facilities was one of the most important tasks of new "Electronic registry of KIIS".
  • The Feedback function allows visitors of the website ER to leave messages, notes and offers for the staff of health facilities in an interactive mode.
  • Built-in column of news. Now administrators can publish different news of health facilities, or any other project information.
  • The improved function of declarations. Now, at regional option of implementation of ER different health facilities can hang out own declarations, this procedure is simplified.
  • Function of demonstration of advertizing banners. Now owners of portals of Electronic registry (for example, the hosting companies or partners of KIIS) can post advertizing banners on the website.
  • The improved version of integration into KIIS. The module of integration of Electronic registry with an end-to-end medical information system of health facilities is replaced with the new, improved version. It allowed to increase performance and flexibility of operation of the mechanism of integration, to fix different problems which were saved up during operation of the previous ER version 2.0. Work with ER of version 2.1 will require updating of KIIS to version
  • The improved design of a workplace of the user of ER. The design of a workplace of the user of ER is also significantly processed and improved – it became more convenient and intuitive in daily work.
  • Completely rewritten mechanism of the ER settings. Earlier the principle of filling of documents with separate parameters and their values was applied to the ER setup. Now the general document by the principle of Profile which is applied to setup of other KIIS components is developed for the ER setup. It allowed to facilitate significantly setup of the solution, to make this process fast, simple and intuitive for the solution administrator. At the same time to AYR KIIS adds different new parameters which allow to set up even more flexibly and thinly the solution. For example, setup which is responsible for inclusion/shutdown of registration and authorization in a personal account of the patient is added. One more convenient opportunity - the option "How Many Hours prior to Acceptance Checks on Record Are Available". To the reference book of health facilities the feature to specify the website, e-mail, contact telephone numbers, the fax, a complete address, etc. is added.
  • Opportunity for regional projects. Now in regional implementation projects KIIS several organizations, some of which has integration into KIIS, are possible to connect AYR to the central ER portal, and others - are not present. Now for each organization the functionality of ER will work differently. It is reached by the indication of type of integration in individual preferences of organization into a DB AYR of KIIS.