Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

KPI Tool

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.2
Developers: Center of technical support
Technology: CPM

Management system for KPI Tool indicators

The KPI Tool system is the convenient tool for the solution of tactical tasks and answers to the following questions:

  • the plan is how effectively implemented,
  • what efficiency of the specific employee and division of the company,
  • what planned values expose for accomplishment of strategic tasks of the company.

The main idea of a management system for indicators of KPI Tool is extremely simple:

  • Step 1. Formulate the strategy of the company in the form of key indicators.
  • Step 2. Measure efficiency of accomplishment of strategic tasks, quality of work of personnel in real time using the KPI Tool system.
  • Step 3. Being guided by reports, make decisions, you make changes and create the system of motivation of personnel, proceeding from the real situation.

The program is a superstructure for any configuration 1C 8.x and does not require installation of the additional software.

Opportunities when using a system

For the top manager 

  • Always to have near at hand reliable and up-to-date data for decision making.
  • Spend a minimum of time for control of tasks.
  • Raise questions at a meeting at the level "how to improve", but not "as there are affairs".
  • Receive necessary reports in the necessary type, without being engaged in "data" of diverse documents and reports, at any moment.
  • Control work of subordinates as "one mouse click", have clear vision who is "a weak link", on any hierarchy level.
  • Work in clear model of strategic objectives and indicators of the company, but not in abstract values from reports.
  • To quickly introduce amendments in managerial model of the company, to enter necessary indicators of monitoring.

To the head of department

  • At any time to estimate efficiency of the subordinates.
  • In real time to find "a weak link" and to take measures for improvement of work of the subordinates.
  • Have clear idea of the salary of each employee.
  • Manage work of the division, relying on the actual information.

To the chief information officer

  • As fast as possible to organize process of data collection.
  • Organize collecting of management information from territorially remote branches of the company.
  • Keep track of timeliness of receipt of data from other information systems.
  • Minimize support cost: for creation of a new unique indicator the programmer needs 2-4 hours in most cases.

To the employee

  • Have clear idea of efficiency of the work every day.
  • Use the transparent scheme of payment works for assessment of the salary.  
  • To timely obtain information on indicators of activity of the enterprise.