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Kaspersky Enterprise Blockchain Security

The name of the base system (platform): Projects based on blockchain technology
Developers: Kaspersky (earlier Kaspersky Lab)
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2019
Branches: Oil industry,  Financial services, investments and audit

2019: A product yield on the market

On November 21, 2019 Kaspersky Lab released the software for cyber defense corporate a blockchain projects. In a portfolio of the Russian company the Kaspersky Enterprise Blockchain Security service appeared.

According to Kommersant with reference to the message of Kaspersky Lab, several companies of an oil and gas sector and the construction sphere became interested in Russia and abroad with which by November 21 negotiations are conducted in New service.

Kaspersky Lab released software for cyber defense corporate a blockchain projects
In the large companies already few years development of blockchains-applications is conducted. They begin to be implemented at the level of the whole company. With increase in number of corporate blockchains-applications of the attack on them will probably become frequent — the expert of Kaspersky Lab in blockchain technologies for large business, the head Blockchain Security Pavel Pokrovsky explains.

According to him,  the solutions on the basis of a blockchain intended for business process optimization (the so-called distributed ledzher), as a rule, are under construction over the standard technology stacks widespread in corporations and large business. Such technologies are among: containers, message brokers, databases on the basis of approach "key value".

Use of Kaspersky Enterprise Blockchain Security service will cost the large organizations from the financial sector on average of $50-70 thousand, counted in Kaspersky Lab.

The anti-virus vendor conducted survey according to which 15% of heads of divisions on information security consider worldwide that the blockchain technology will have significant effect on cyber defense of the organizations in the future.

Also Kaspersky Lab provides the forecast of analysts of IDC, in which they expect by 2022 growth of global expenses on a blockchain projects to $11.7 billion[1]
