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Kaspersky Lab: Battery Life

Developers: Kaspersky Lab
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/07/31

Battery Life is the free application which allows to prolong operating time of the battery smartphones and tablets on OS Android. It is possible to download the program in app store of Google Play.

Battery Life analyzes all applications on the device and identifies those from them which consume most of all energy. The solution of Kaspersky Lab allows to stop waste of energy one click and by that prolongs the term of operation of the battery. In addition, Battery Life studies typical scenarios of operation of applications and if one of them will begin to use more energy, than usually, will urgently notify on it the user.

One more Battery Life property is a calculation of time which remained till the moment when the battery finally is discharged. This information gives to the user the chance to reach the next power source and not to be left without communication when it is most of all necessary. Similar to Battery Life times to a total charge of the battery when the device is charged.

Interface of the application of Battery Life

2017: Release

On July 31 Kaspersky Lab (KL) announced release of the free application of Battery Life. It is designed to save users from the unpleasant situations connected with sudden discharging of mobile gadgets.

Our approach to protection of users is in reducing risks to a minimum on all fronts, and not just in the field of cyberthreats. The Battery Life application helps people to control operation of the smartphone and to stay in touch. And it, certainly, adds tranquility — Elena Harchenko, the head of department of product management for home users of Kaspersky Lab noted

Battery Life occupies only 15 MB on the device, spends less than 1% of energy of the battery and works at the Android 4.1 platforms - 6.0.1.