The name of the base system (platform): | Kipod Server IP-videoserver |
Developers: | Synesis |
Last Release Date: | October, 2014 |
Technology: | Video surveillance systems, Systems of video analytics |
Content |
Both developers, and users of security systems perfectly know how important role the human factor can play. Quite often happens that bad faith of security guards nullifies all advantages even of the most hi-tech video analytical security system.
Finding of the security guard on a post
In this case the functionality of a security system should allow "control controlling". If to speak about normal observation systems, then check of presence of the security guard in a workplace is performed only by viewing all videoarchive for a working shift. Certainly, this process takes unfairly a lot of time, and therefore the problem requires other solution. This solution – the detector of activity of personnel. It works at a basis of determination of mobility or immovability of an object in a signal zone. A system videonablyudeniyeya not only precisely determines by Kipod time which the security guard spends on a post, but also using mobile application of Kipod Mobile will quickly deliver the notification to the chief of security (or to other responsible person) when the workplace is left or there is a change of personnel.
Son and rest on a post in unspecified time
At first sight this point is similar to previous, but in practice to control such disciplinary violation much more difficult as also the low-mobility should be detected. So the video analytics should distinguish the employee as absent not only when he leaves a post, but also when sleeps in a workplace or, for example, reads the book. Algorithms of Synes solve also this problem, successfully performing long tracking slow-moving objects (in our case – the security guard) without maintenance failure. Light switching off at night on a post
Actually, switching off of light is a sabotage of system operation of security. The system of video analytics Kipod includes the tamper-module controlling operability of the equipment and quality of video signal. In other words, the module detects the different reasons of picture-quality degradation. It is a flare, a defocusing, low frequency of the personnel and another. In our case it is about shading of the image. Kipod instantly detects intervention in system operation and also creates the corresponding entry in the event log and sends the message with the alarm reason on the mobile phone for the authorized person.
Smoking prohibition on a post
Smoking in a workplace means not only the disciplinary, but also administrative responsibility: violation of fire safety. Nevertheless, the employees who are especially working during a night shift often ignore this prohibition, having been sure of impunity. The Kipod system also includes the module of detection of smoke and fire considerably increasing fire safety on an object as works quicker than usual smoke detectors. Within our tests the detector signals about emergence in a frame of cigarette smoke (if in an observed zone the good illumination and a contrast background).
Monitoring of work of operators
The video surveillance system of Kipod Station supports two types of statistics of work of operators: statistics of real time and archive statistics comparing data on 4 types of periods of time – day, week, month and year. Statistics of work of operators in real time clearly demonstrates as events with the status "release" and "alarm" on operators and observed objects are distributed.
Archive statistics, in turn, gives the report in the form of five different diagrams. The first shows the number of the processed events all operators; the second shows the average time of processing of disturbing messages on types of events; the third – results of processing (how much arrived events how many received the status "release" and "alarm" how many events were deleted); the fourth diagram displays time of reaction of each of operators (as an event "release"); the last makes top-10 objects by the number of the arriving disturbing messages.