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Klevers BIGLit

Developers: Klevers
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014/03/03
Last Release Date: 2014/08/28
Technology: WMS,  Logistics information system


BIGLit - the system of the class WAS (engl. Warehouse Assistance System) - the personal assistant to the warehouse worker (storekeeper). A system enters separate category of software products for automation of warehouse processes.


The BIGLit system is the boxed solution ready to use. Contains all standard feature set for effective work in a warehouse.

The product helps to manage a warehouse optimum. In processing of loads a system helps to make quickly the correct decisions, to avoid work "according to paper", not "keep in memory" placement of goods in a stock and their numerous characteristics.

The BIGLit system of the class WAS is focused on use in warehouses of the small and medium companies.


BIGLit is the solution using possibilities of modern tablet computers and touch-technologies. A system is characterized by short terms of implementation and low finance costs: the cost of the BIGLit system is 5-10 times less than the average cost of implementation project WMS системыСогласно [1].

Work with BIGLit does not require expensive server hardware and radio terminals. The solution is established even on the normal desktop computer or the notebook. As the working tool any mobile device on platforms iOS, Android and Windows 8, taking into account individual preferences approaches (screen diagonal, existence of additional accessories — fastenings on a hand, protective covers and another).

In a system all basic processes for effective work of a warehouse are implemented:

  • acceptance,
  • placement,
  • replenishment,
  • complete set and shipment,
  • inventory,
  • reporting system,
  • block of automation of operation of the hoisting-and-transport equipment.

The solution has the built-in mechanisms of easy and fast integration with corporate systems providing management of a warehouse in a uniform information field. A system supports address storage, lot-based and serial accounting, work with expiration dates and technology of automatic identification (barcoding), the interactive editor will help to design and unroll quickly warehouse topology directly on the tablet computer.

Start of BIGLit in a warehouse can be performed in one day, without preliminary difficult setup. Simple steps via unique intuitive interface will help employees to get into gear in several hours.

The preconfigured functionality of a product is ready to use.

BIGLit WAS is management of a warehouse

2014: Beginning of sales

On March 3, 2014 the Klevers company announced the beginning of sales of the BIGLit system.

Price of the minimum packet (server license + 5 jobs): 300 thousand rubles, an additional workplace – 30 thousand rubles.

Updating of May, 2014

The Russian Klevers, in LogistiX group, released upgraded version of the software solution BIGLit of the class WAS (engl. Warehouse Assistance System) with a possibility of application 3G and LTE - technologies during the work with mobile devices in a warehouse.

Now at automation of a logistic complex communication of the tablet computers or smartphones (based on iOS, Android, Windows 8) which are used as working tools of employees of a warehouse with the BIGLit WAS system is also possible by means of mobile data transmission by means of 3G and LTE – connections. It provides a possibility of application of the BIGLit system and mobile devices in a warehouse even in the absence of Wi-Fi of network.

"Our researches sets of logistic complexes in Russia and the CIS countries showed that deployment and design of Wi-fi of network quite often is a long action which on the open areas or temporarily occupied premises can seriously affect opportunities and terms of automation. Using possibilities of mobile technologies and the BIGLit WAS system we decided to eliminate completely this defect, having provided ready and available solution", - Dmitry Blinov, the technical director of LogistiX noted.

The updated BIGLit systems capabilities will also allow to save means at equipment of a warehouse the equipment. Today the majority of the usual radio data collection terminals which are used in work in warehouses has no obligatory 3G/LTE modules.

The cost of one terminal with turning on of such modules fluctuates on average from 35 - 40 thousand rubles. It is possible purchase tablet computers and smartphones with an opportunity 3G and LTE – connections even in limits to 25 thousand rubles.

Integration with the warehouse systems

On June 9, 2014 the Klevers company announced the output of the new module as a part of upgraded version of the software solution BIGLit WAS in which the ability to integrate with the automated warehouse [2] is implemented[2].

The functionality of the new module allows to use its interface as a control panel the automated warehouse systems. The first project of implementation of new functionality took place based on "The center of the Innovative Technologies in Logistics" Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate where a system is integrated with the crane piler and a "lift" rack.

"An opportunity to use the intuitive interface on tablets and smartphones for management of a difficult automation equipment of merchandising is an advantage both to end users, and to suppliers, - Dmitry Blinov, the technical director of LogistiX noted. - If there was earlier a need to accompany such equipment with a specialized software, as a rule, executed in traditions of strict industrial interfaces, then now we lift this level to new level on functionality, visualization and mobility".

photofixing Module

On August 28, 2014 the Klevers company announced readiness of the new module of photofixing in composition of BIGLit WAS.

Now during goods acceptance on a warehouse or at inventory (recalculation of loads) system innovation, will help to create detailed photoreports and to visually display all stages of implementable process.

In the course of acceptance fixing of conditions of transportation of the arrived loads, qualities of packaging and defects is available, when carrying out inventory - formation of an evident picture of a status of goods and conditions of their storage in a warehouse.

The new functionality in composition does not require settings and costs for the additional hardware (cameras, radio terminals with cameras and a specialized software), as the fixing devices possibilities of the built-in cameras of the tablet computers and smartphones used as working tools of the BIGLit system are used. All created photoreports are stored in specialized gallery, with a binding of specific deliveries, receipt orders, fixing of date and time of shooting.

"In a combination to standard systems capabilities the new functionality will provide not only the accuracy and speed of implementation of processes, but will allow to create evidential base. In cases of arrival of low-quality products, inadequate delivery conditions and other disputable situations, it will secure many warehouses including from groundless claims", - Dmitry Blinov, the technical director, LogistiX group noted.


  1. to the conclusion of developer company of BIGLit
  2. 2,0 2,1 AS/Rsangl systems