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Kodak KashMiner (the computer for cryptocurrency mining)

Developers: Spotlite
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2018
Branches: Information technologies


2018: Prohibition of sales because of "fraud"

In the middle of July, 2018 it became known of prohibition of the American authorities on sale of the computer for Kodak KashMiner cryptocurrency mining. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) saw the "fraudulent" scheme in this equipment, BBC tells.

On Kodak KashMiner presentation at the beginning of 2018 it was reported that the device can be leased for $3.4 thousand for two years. At the same time, as the producer noted, users will be able to earn net $375 a month taking into account the commission.

However to get such profit, according to experts, it is impossible, considering the growing difficulties at production of cryptocurrencies. According to professor of economy of the University Lebanes Amerikan and the author of the book "The standard of bitcoin: the decentralized alternative to the central banks" Saifedean Ammous, Kodak KashMiner can yield to users only losses.  It compared production of cryptocurrencies to gamblings in which if in time not to stop, it is possible to lose everything.

U.S. authorities called "fraudulent" the computer of Kodak for mining of bitcoin and prohibited to sell it

The American Spotlite — one of the numerous companies which obtained the license for sales of products under the name of Kodak was going to sell KashMiner.

The head of Spotlite Halston Mikail says that it was going to install hundreds of KashMiner computers in Kodak headquarters. According to him, it was succeeded to place about 80 items of equipment, but the press secretary of Kodak denies this information.

You could see devices of our licensee of Sportlite on CES, but KashMiner is not released according to the license of Kodak. Such equipment in our headquarters was not installed — the representative of Kodak said.

According to Halston Mikayla, to development of the project prevented SEC, and now the company intends to get bitcoins, having placed KashMiner in Iceland instead of leasing computers.[1]

You look also the Blockchain and cryptocurrency
