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Konica Minolta Kunkun dental

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Konica Minolta
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/07/13
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Main articles:

2020: Representation of the device for recognition of smells of Kunkun dental

On July 13, 2020 Zdrav.Expert became known that the Konica Minolta company presented the Kunkun dental gadget at the Japanese market. The device detects smells by means of sensors and machine learning technology. Kunkun dental is suitable for use in dental clinics and also home care of teeth and an oral cavity.

Konica Minolta released the gadget for recognition of smells from a mouth

The Kunkun dental device works based on artificial intelligence by means of an algorithm of detection of a smell. The algorithm is adapted to smells of volatile compounds of sulfur, namely hydrogen sulfide, methylmercaptan and dimethylsulfide.

For identification of a smell at the person breath samples are taken. Preparation for measurement takes only two minutes, in a minute it is possible to receive a final output. It is displayed on the screen of the tablet connected to the device and shows what amount of volatile compounds of sulfur contains in test. The gadget has the compact size and is equipped with the portable charger therefore it can be used in different situations and to carry with itself.

Konica Minolta released the gadget for recognition of smells from a mouth

Kunkun dental became the second structure of the company developed for detection of smells. Earlier in 2018 Konica Minolta released the Kunkun Body gadget.

Development of Kunkun dental took place together with consultants-stomatologists. Thanks to it the device allows to reveal risk factors of different diseases of an oral cavity. However Kunkun dental acts as an auxiliary diagnostic tool and cannot be used as the independent medical device.

In the fall of 2020 the company is going to start Kunkun X service for quantitative assessment of all types of smells – from cigarette smoke to a smell of pets. Service will provide objective indicators according to customer needs. Also Kunkun X will be able to be used for efficiency evaluation of action of deodorants and the deodorizing materials.