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Liferay Digital Experience (DXP)

Developers: LifeRay
Technology: Corporate portals

The Liferay Digital Experience (DXP) platform allows the companies to provide and maintain steady customer service quality in all canals of interaction, including mobile communication, social networks and attached devices.

Liferay DXP represents the corporate platform open source, flexible architecture and the magnificent scheduled plan of software development. In the report Magic Quadrant Gartner called Liferay the leader in horizontal portals. At the same time among clients of Liferay – the companies from the list of Fortune 500 working in the different industries. The companies around the world already use Liferay thanks to its high functionality, compatibility with the majority of primary servers of applications and platforms of databases and scalability. The Liferaypozvolyaet portal working at a basis of open standards to provide to the organizations exclusively low total cost of ownership.

Using this platform it is possible to provide and maintain steady quality of accomplishment of the following tasks:

  • Hyper personalisation of data on buyers
  • Omnichannel communications with clients
  • Web publications and content management
  • Creation of internal and external portals
  • Creation of the web application