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MIT: Smart appetite capsule

Developers: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Date of the premiere of the system: April 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Product Announcement

On April 26, 2023, US researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reported the development of a swallowed capsule that stimulates appetite and prevents the body from wasting as a result of malnutrition.

Loss of appetite can occur for a variety of reasons. These are, in particular, mental disorders and various diseases. In severe cases, cachexia is observed - extreme exhaustion of the body, which is characterized by general weakness, a sharp decrease in weight and activity of physiological processes. Cachexia is common in many malignant tumors, especially in their progression.

MIT researchers report development of ingestible capsule that stimulates appetite

The deterioration of appetite is largely associated with a violation of the mechanism of production of a special hormone in the stomach - ghrelin, which is associated with feelings of saturation and nausea. It has been found that electrical stimulation of the stomach can lead to the release of ghrelin and the restoration of normal appetite. Animal studies have shown that 20 minutes of low current exposure significantly increases the level of the named hormone without any negative side effects.

The developed "electroceutical" capsule contains a surface helical electrode that acts on the walls of the stomach. On the external part of the device there are special channels with a hydrophilic coating: these grooves serve to drain fluid from the stomach tissues and provide the necessary contact spot for stimulation. Inside the capsule are a small battery and control electronics responsible for generating pulses. In the future, the developers intend to improve their product. In particular, it will be possible to control the operation of the capsule via wireless communication - for example, using an application on a smartphone. This will allow you to activate stimulation at the right time and in a certain mode.[1]
