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Magnetom Lumina (MRT-scanner)

Developers: Siemens Healthineers (ранее Siemens Healthcare)
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2018
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2018: Announcement

On November 25, 2018 the Siemens Healthiners company provided a series of innovations for the MRT-portfolio, including the new Magnetom Lumina 3T MRT-scanner.

New Magnetom Lumina is the last addition to a portfolio of the MRT 3T scanners with a tunnel with a diameter of 70 cm. The scanner provides standardization and acceleration of workflows at inspection that increases performance and satisfaction of patients. Magnetom Lumina uses technology of the personified approach to the patient of BioMatrix and also the system of AI automation of Tim 4G and Dot (Day Optimizing Throughput) for generation of the standardized and reproduced results of inspection.

MAGNETOM Lumina 3T MRT-scanner

For increase in satisfaction of patients, Magnetom Lumina also suggests to use the innovation information and entertaining Innovision system. She not only creates illusion of expanded space of a tunnel due to mirror effect that levels claustrophobia of patients, but also allows to watch video with excellent sound quality and displays time before the end of scanning.

Thanks to a new packet of the functions Turbo Suite, Siemens Healthineers could increase scanning speed significantly. The packet of Turbo Suite consists of a number of customized applications which are adapted to researches of the musculoskeletal device, a backbone, neurovascular bunches, an abdominal cavity, mammary glands and for visualization of heart. As a result of Turbo Suite can cut scanning time almost by half free of defects from image quality.

Turbo Suite in addition expands existing applications of simultaneous multislice scanning, allowing to expand indications to use of MRT. Thanks to the analysis of randomized data and iterative reconstruction some types of inspections can be accelerated many times over: for example, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography can be carried out 23 times quicker that allows to complete single inspection of the patient in only 16 seconds.[1]
