Branches: | Insurance, Construction and construction materials industry, Tourism, hotel and restaurant business |
Technology: | CRM |
Today's business uses a huge variety of CRM systems to organize, collect, organize and analyze data and automate the processes of interaction between an employee and a client. The introduction of such tools even by small enterprises at the stage of business consolidation is now completely routine. However, despite the widespread application, everyone knows the disadvantages of these programs:
- lack of flexibility in settings,
- low speed of operation,
- overloaded and often too complex an interface,
- Excessive automation, where there may be a loss of understanding of what data collection and analysis is for,
- replacing real solutions with complex and often useless in practice statistical calculations and, as a result of all this, separation of the product from real business needs.
All this leads to the fact that specialists directly working in the business are developing and implementing their own projects either from scratch or on the basis of existing basic products. Such projects are aimed at solving similar problems, but take into account the disadvantages of classic CRM systems and take into account the specific needs of a particular business.
A successful example of such a project is the Management Training Report System, developed, implemented and constantly modified by Ekaterina Klimova, an experienced banking worker, financial analyst, financial management consultant and business mentor. Initially launched almost ten years ago, as a pilot project for working with employees of the banking sector, it was further finalized for use in other financial companies, in particular, in the insurance business. At the same time, new specific functions and configuration capabilities were added that meet the tasks of such companies. The success of the pilot project allowed Catherine over the past few years to expand the scope of the product to a variety of business areas, such as, for example, construction or tourism.
The basis of any business is most often sales in one form or another. Therefore, it is important not only to create strong teams of sales specialists, not only to put competent managers at the head of these teams, but also to continuously monitor their level of professional training, take timely measures for retraining and, most importantly, objectively evaluate the results of this retraining. In the process of such an assessment, the business is faced with the fact that it is often difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to formalize and evaluate the concepts that everyone uses at an intuitive level. It is clear that educated and experienced sales specialists, and even more so their managers, have the skills of competent oral speech, however, how to turn even the most competent speech into an effective tool to achieve the task - successfully concluding a deal with a satisfied client is a big question. An even bigger question is how to quantify how much the speech skills of a particular employee are such a tool. And the very difficult task is to objectively determine how much this tool has been improved in the process of professional retraining.
The manager training report system is a tool for continuous and systematic work to monitor the level of professional training of an employee, his timely retraining, check the quality of this retraining and, as a result, improve all business processes in the company and increase sales. The uniqueness of this product is that it is based on a deep and detailed breakdown of the process of communication with the client into components with branching of the algorithm at each communication turn. Such a structure allows you to move from private to general, building a complete picture of communication, and correct speech circuits, replacing non-working and inefficient with optimal ones.
The product interface looks intuitive. There are customizing areas that specify the employee's personal data, position, and responsibilities. At the same time, all people who interact with this employee at the organization level other than the client are entered into the database, while not only those associated with his direct subordination, but in a broad sense, for example, the head of department, director, mentor, human resources manager, etc. Further, all connections are systematized according to subordination and other parameters of interactions, determined by the specifics of a particular business. In particular, these can be various vocational training programs, employee motivation programs, etc. The product allows significant variation. For example, various types of checks, work with regulatory and other government authorities, communications related to the purchase of materials, goods and services can be added to the employee's interaction grid. In other words, any employee activity that is periodic can be entered into the database for further analysis.
It is necessary to note another feature of the instrument, which, perhaps, no one attached much importance to before, and which turned out to be highly in demand now, in 2020. This product has a separate module associated with the remote work of employees. Within this module, you can simultaneously formalize the employee's remote and office work, analyze the effectiveness of both, compare results and compare with expectations.
However, as already mentioned, the most innovative feature of the product is that the usually subjective process of training staff, including the assessment of their quality and relevance, becomes objective and statistically significant. This was achieved through a deep and broad classification of the staff member's action set. At the same time, the tool provides great analysis opportunities for literally all participants in the process.
The specialist who analyzes the collected data is given the opportunity to see both all types of actions of the employee in the framework of normal business activity, as well as all types of training and retraining. As a result, the manager can evaluate the effectiveness of the employee's work and training and decide on his or her future career prospects. Thus, with a sufficient degree of objectivity, one can conclude that an employee has been promoted or even completed his/her career in a given organization if he/she is not involved in the necessary business processes and does not improve his/her personal performance. The important thing is that in the last particularly sensitive case, the probability of making an incorrect management decision is minimal.
When considering a project by a manager evaluating the quality and effectiveness of a mentor or trainer, the product also provides a lot of space for collecting and analyzing information. As a result of the daily update of information in the database, the manager sees who, how often and how effectively works with the employee, which areas of knowledge and skills are covered, and which others are neglected. As a result, the manager can engage in the process, give recommendations or add tasks, as well as make management decisions regarding mentors and coaches. On the third hand, the staff member himself can analyse the knowledge gained in the process of professional retraining, evaluate how effectively he uses it in his work and, having made personal conclusions, independently take measures to correct shortcomings, taking responsibility for the final result.
It should be emphasized that each action selected as part of the initial launch of the tool includes a large grid of nested activities, and this entire algorithm can be individually configured for a specific type of business. The classification used in the product reflects the real picture of business processes and is visual applied in nature. This versatility and adaptability adds value to the tool. According to Ekaterina Klimova, who supervises the development, modernization and implementation of the Management Training Report System, the use of this tool in all areas of business helps to significantly solve the eternal problems of all managers, such as developing sales skills, improving motivation and efficiency of employees, increasing conversion, and, of course, improving the quality of professional training and retraining personnel. This is confirmed by the users of the product. For example, Vadim Smyshlyaev, General Director of Kaliningrad Paper Company LLC, believes that the approach taken in this project really helps to select the keys to the work of each employee and contributes to increasing the efficiency of the business as a whole.
Sergey Nikiforov, August 12, 2020