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Masters (artificial heart valve)

Developers: Abbott Laboratories
Date of the premiere of the system: March, 2018


2019: Entry into the European market

In the middle of September, 2019 the Abbott company released on the European market two devices for the help to children with congenital heart diseases. One of them Masters HP, the smallest in the world the mechanical heart valve (15 mm) developed for implantation in mitralny or aortal provision for simulation of a healthy heart valve of the child. Read more here.

2018: Output of the smallest artificial valve of heart

On March 6, 2018 St. Jude Medical, subsidiary company of Abbott Laboratories corporation, released the smallest in the world an artificial heart valve from the Masters series only 15 mm in size.

This two-fold valve consists of two semicircular disks changing provision depending on change of arterial blood pressure. The device is capable to replace the defective aortal or mitralny valve, and the compact sizes allow to implant it even to newborn children.

According to statistical data more than 35,000 children with congenital heart diseases annually are born in the USA, many of which need implantation of the artificial valve that was impracticable earlier – installation of such small valve was carried out only within clinical trials or with participation in special preferential programs.

Masters is the smallest artificial heart valve

The new artificial valve was carefully studied in a one-group research in which 20 children aged from 1.5 weeks up to 27 months with heavy heart failure participated. The research was conducted since 2015 across this territory of the USA; at the same time the device was implanted as replacement of the mitralny valve. These researches showed, the survival in a year after transaction was 69.3%; at the same time at 66.8% of the patients who participated in a research the ghost effects connected with installation of the artificial valve were not noted.

The serious undesirable phenomena connected with implantation of the valve and noted during the research included a tromboobrazovaniye and cerebral bleeding. For prevention of these ghost effects purpose of antikoagulyantny therapy is recommended. In a research it is noted that implantation of the artificial valve is prohibited patients with intolerance of anticoagulants.[1]
