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Menuforyou: The menu on the tablet

Developers: Menuforyou
Last Release Date: 2016/12/12
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: Trade automation systems

For January 26, 2017 the Menu on the tablet - technology of increase in sales and management of service.

According to the statement of developers, unlike the paper menu, the electronic menu on the tablet allows to raise an average bill for 20%.

The menu on the tablet allows to acquaint guests of restaurant with actions and special offers of the company in a convenient form.


  • Increase in the average check for 20%
    • the Electronic Menuforyou menu increases an average bill in comparison with the normal menu on average by 20%. This indicator is reached at the expense of an intelligent system of sales of additional dishes and toppings (upsell).

  • Reduction of holding time for 25%

    • the Electronic menu reduces holding time of guests thanks to automatic system of transfer of orders from the waiter by cash desk and kitchen, to informing waiters on readiness of dishes.

  • Increase in fullness of the check for 15%

    • Intellectual to the system of additional sales motivates guests to order more dishes. Each guest is offered to select an additional dish or a top ping to the made order that positively influences increase in fullness of the check.

  • Effective advertizing platform

    • Special offers, stocks and any ad info in the form of beautiful and clickable banners can take place as a part of the menu. Thanks to the thought-over formats and convenience of arrangement of advertizing banners, clients will always be aware of actions and will do more orders.

  • Increase in loyalty and customer retention

    • the Technology provides a feedback and obtaining opinions from visitors of restaurant, guests. It helps to trace their mood, to react to important notes.

  • Individual design

    • the unique design of a product is developed For each restaurant. Each electronic menu corresponds to specifics of an institution. Except individual design of the menu developers offer covers for tablets, according to features of an institution.

Submission of the Menuforyou system, (2016)