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Microsoft Healthcare Bot

Developers: Microsoft
Date of the premiere of the system: February, 2019
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Speech technologies

2019: Emergence in a public access

At the beginning of February, 2019 Microsoft issued the Healthcare Bot platform for creation of medical chat-bots which can answer questions of patients in a natural language and are rather easily integrated with messengers, including Skype and Facebook Messenger

Three years of developments later the platform was started on Azure Marketplace — the digital platform for applications cloud infrastrukturymicrosoft by Azure. Healthcare Bot allows developers to create chat-bots for assessment of symptoms, collateral medicinal reactions and other factors interesting the patient on the basis of the built-in bases of medical and insurance data. Thanks to NLP Azure technology chat-bots are capable to answer patients in a natural language and to consider human errors. Besides, the bots created using service Healthcare Bot can write the patient on acceptance or find the doctor within reach.

Microsoft issued the platform for creation of medical chat-bots

Using service Healthcare Bot medical institutions, users of paid medical services, the insurance and pharmaceutical companies can solve problems by means of the centralized portal. Exactly there they can create new bots, modify and configure old and also integrate bots with services of cognitive calculations, such as Microsoft Language Understanding Intelligent Service.

Microsoft claims that all chat-bots, irrespective of settings, cipher all data and completely correspond to the Law on protection of personal medical data. Besides, the platform has the integral elements of management of confidential data which allow users to ask chat-bots of service Healthcare Bot about what information they collect, and if necessary to liquidate it.

The chat-bots created using Healthcare Bot should not replace health workers and cannot set the diagnosis or to appoint treatment. They are only designed to optimize system operation of health care and to help doctors to distribute the time, specified in Microsoft.[1]
