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MindFrame Capture (the device for a revaskulyarization)

Developers: Medtronic (Medtronik)
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2018: A withdrawal of the rejected devices

On May 21, 2018 the Medtronic company began to recall with the market defective devices for a revaskulyarization of MindFrame Capture LP which use, according to the conclusion of specialists, can lead to serious injuries or a lethal outcome.

The device for a revaskulyarization of MindFrame Capture LP is intended for recovery of a blood-groove or removal of blood clot from a blood vessel of a brain at an acute ischemic stroke at patients to whom contraindicated intravenous administration of the activator of a plazminogen, or that to whom this therapy did not bring desirable effect.

MindFrame Capture LP

Medtronic withdraws MindFrame Capture LP from the market as at its use there is a danger of a separation of a segment of a wire catheter. A working part of a catheter using which delete blood clot at the same time remains in a blood vessel of the patient, and the come-off segment in itself or in attempt to get it can lead to further complications, including to bleeding, additional blocking of blood vessels, burdening of a stroke and its effects or by death.

The existing threat concerns all doctors using this device during the procedures of a revaskulyarization and also all groups of the patients undergoing similar procedures. On February 26, 2018 Medtronic sent the notification to all injured clients and asked them to get rid of defective MindFrame Capture LP devices.

Medtronic asked to return all defective devices to the producer. On April 4, 2018 the Medtronic company sent the new notification in which recommended to doctors to study the offered information and to share it with colleagues and also to set careful observation of patients for whom antitrombotsitarny therapy and possible repeated X-ray research was required.[1]
