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NCC and Rosatom: Sarus + PLM system

The name of the base system (platform): RFNC-VNIIEF: Sarus.PLM
Developers: TopS Business Integrator (TopS BI), Rosatom Digital Solutions (RCR)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/10/03
Technology: PLM - PLM

Main article: Product Lifecycle Management

2024: Demonstration of the "Sarus +" system

The National Computer Corporation (NCC) group of companies, together with Rosatom State Corporation, demonstrated the SARUS + PLM system. The development of the system is carried out on the basis of the SARUS platform, created earlier at Rosatom State Corporation, and is aimed at developing Russian technological solutions in the field of product lifecycle management. The NCC announced this on October 3, 2024.

The development is carried out using the technological principles of organizing complex software based on an import-independent technological stack, support for the multiplatform of the system is provided, special attention is paid to the protection of processed information. The main architectural and technical trends used in the world's leading PLM systems are also taken into account.

In October 2024, NCC continues to create the functionality of SARUS + applications and is developing promising technical solutions, including those that first appear as part of a single PLM system on the Russian market.

From a functional point of view, developers focus on supporting end-to-end model-oriented processes for the development of electronic design documentation, seamless digital production preparation based on an electronic product layout, configuration management, advanced change management, IETR development and support for IPP processes, providing access to technical documentation in production, as well as deep integration of PDM and CAx systems.

During the product creation process, the data model was fundamentally redesigned to provide the most flexible representation and management of product information. New components of the software suite have been designed to simplify product deployment and ensure that the system is used both on workstations and on mobile devices, anywhere when you have the ability to connect to the company's servers.

An important principle in organizing the development of SARUS + was cooperation with future users of the system - leading enterprises of Russian mechanical engineering in the early stages of functional design. Analysis of customer needs and expectations helps to better understand what features, in what form and to solve what tasks industry needs. One of the important features of engineering software is what the user spends in the software environment full time, so the developers pay special attention to the comfort of working with the system. To increase the efficiency of operation, the SARUS + interface is implemented by convenient, ergonomic, intuitive and maximum close to the expectations of users. The user workspace is developed based on the concept of adaptability of the system interface and the formation of a set of tools for the data with which work is carried out.

Thus, NCC and Rosatom are taking an important step towards creating a domestic PLM system capable of competing with world counterparts and ensuring a high degree of technological independence of Russia.

After signing an agreement with Rosatom State Corporation, the NCC development team began to analyze the platform, as well as study the possibilities for developing and creating new functionality. The research was carried out with the active support of employees of one of the structures of Rosatom State Corporation, which is responsible for the development of the SARUS platform. For 6 months, our experts have studied the SARUS technological platform in detail and note its advantages: openness for further development, the ability to modify the architecture and a high level of readiness of components for use as part of the PLM system. The development is carried out in close cooperation between two technical teams: NCC and the developers of the SARUS technological platform, including in terms of the technical combination of requirements management processes and product assembly. Thanks to joint efforts, in a very short time we managed to create the first functional prototypes of applications. We look to the future with confidence, believe in a united team and look forward to providing access to the system to the first users, "said Andrey Slyunyaev, Product Development Director of SARUS +, TOPS BI LLC (part of NKK LLC).