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Nokia Videoprilozheniye Prognoz of traumatic falling

The name of the base system (platform): Nokia IMPACT IoT platform (Intelligent Management Platform for All Connected Things)
Developers: Nokia Corporation
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/10/25
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT)

Videoprilozheniye Prognoz of traumatic falling - the personalized solution of the analysis of speed of walking, feature of gait and width of a step and to send to Nokia an alarm at increase in probability of falling

On October 24, 2017 Nokia announced signing of the Memorandum of understanding with the Singapore service of leaving behind aged of St Luke (SLEC) for joint development and conceptual improvement of technologies for service of elderly people.

Within this agreement of Nokia and SLEC will test the analytical video application predicting traumatic falling of people.

The technology uses proprietary development of video analytics from Bell Labs Nokia for creation of the contactless continuous monitoring system predicting the probability of falling of the person. This personalized solution will analyze the speed of walking, feature of gait and width of a step and to send an alarm at increase of probability of falling. On the next stage the application will be integrated into the platform of Internet of Things IMPACT Nokia and then the specialist will see and collect all information arriving from the application and other sensors which are used by the person.

The service of care of aged SLEC - experienced provider of these services, has wide network of service centers across Singapore. Within this project it will provide consultations and feedback coupling with software efficiency evaluation.