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Novavax: COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine

Developers: Novavax
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare


Main article: Vaccines against COVID-19 coronavirus


EU approves contract with Novavax for vaccine purchase

Under this agreement, concluded in August 2021 n, member states will be able to purchase up to 100 million doses of the Novavax vaccine with the possibility of purchasing another 100 million doses during 2021, 2022 and 2023, after it is considered and approved by the EMA as safe and effective.

This contract complements the already wide portfolio of vaccines to be produced in Europe, including contracts with AstraZeneca, Sanofi-GSK, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, BioNtech-Pfizer, CureVac, Moderna and completed preliminary negotiations with Valneva.

Completion of the third test phase

In June 2021, the biotechnology company Novavax said it vaccine Covid-19 showed its safety and overall efficiency of 90.4% during phase III clinical trials.

In addition, the two-dose vaccine proved to be 100% effective in preventing moderate to severe disease and 93% effective against certain mutation variants.

The company plans to apply for a permit from the FDA in the third quarter of this year. If the Novavax vaccine is allowed, it will follow three Covid vaccines already approved for emergency use in the US by Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and J & J.

2020: Contract with the US Department of Health and the Pentagon for the development of a vaccine

In early July 2020 Department of Health and Human Services US Department of Defense , they entered into an agreement with the company in the Novavax amount of $1.6 billion to develop a vaccine for. COVID-19

Novavax's plant in Gaithersburg, Maryland, is expected to produce 100 million doses of a research vaccine to be used in clinical research. And if regulators grant permission for the emergency use of the vaccine, the government will distribute available doses as part of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

By scaling production during clinical trials, Novavax can significantly reduce vaccine development time compared to traditional timelines. If the vaccine is recognized as successful, the US government will be able to receive 300 million doses of a safe and effective vaccine by 2021.

Pentagon pays Novavax $1.6 billion to develop coronavirus vaccine

The production of a new candidate vaccine takes place completely in the United States, therefore, with the approval of regulatory authorities, the drug will already be packaged and ready for immediate shipment. As part of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the drug will be provided free of charge to Americans, although health workers can charge insurers for the procedure itself.

Earlier, Novavax has already concluded a deal with the Pentagon in the amount of $70 million for the supply of vaccines. The company intends to rely on an initial plan to produce and deliver 10 million doses of vaccine (NVX-CoV2373), which can be used in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. NVX-CoV2373 uses perfusion protein antigen to stimulate the body's immune response against the virus.

Operation Warp Speed should ensure the presence of at least one safe and effective vaccine at the end of 2020, "explained HHS Secretary Alex Azar. - Our investments should support Novavax's operations throughout clinical trials and, depending on their success, during the production of 100 million doses of vaccine.[1]
