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Nvidia Omniverse Kit

Developers: Nvidia
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2022
Branches: Entertainment, leisure, sports

2022: Release of Metaverse Toolkit

On August 10, 2022, Nvidia introduced a series of new tools for metaverse creators and developers to, as noted in the company, make life in digital worlds more realistic.

Developers who use the Omniverse Kit and programs like Nucleus, Audio2Face and Machinima will now have access to new features. According to Nvidia, the main goal of the update is to help implement "reliable digital twins and realistic avatars."

Nvidia unveils metaverse toolkit

The problem of the quality of interactions in metaverse remains an urgent topic in the industry, since the quality of experience is more important for developers and users than its number. An example of this is the so-called "Fashion Week" that took place in the spring of 2022. According to the results of reviews of this event, the vast majority of people noted the insufficient quality of the digital environment, clothing and especially avatars with which users interacted.

Nvidia's new tools include the Omniverse Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE). According to the developers, ACE will improve the work of "virtual assistants and digital assistants." With Omniverse ACE, a developer can create, configure, and deploy their avatar applications on almost any engine, public or private cloud. "

In the application update, digital identification is Audio2Face key. According to an official statement from Nvidia, users will be able to control the emotions of digital avatars depending on the situation, including facial animation.

Another addition to the Nvidia update is the Nvidia PhysX, which is an "advanced real-time physics modeling engine." This means that developers will be able to implement realistic characteristics of interactions with physics in the metaverse, which will obey the established parameters.[1][2]

