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ONVIF Profile G

Developers: ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum)

The Profile S specification provided in 2012 describes interaction of IP devices by transfer of a streaming video. The Profile G specification, in turn, focuses attention on reproduction and storage of video data. It covers the following devices: cameras and encoders, network NVR video recorders and also management systems of video and system of physical security (PSIM system). Thus, it promotes further quality improvement and the interoperability layer of the devices supporting the ONVIF standard.

The provided specification will have the status candidate release within six months. Then the final version will be published and the possibility of testing of products for compliance of the specification will appear. The release of the final version is planned for the beginning of 2014.

Though Profile G and Profile S are connected among themselves, all of them are independent specifications and cover different functionality of network system of video surveillance. Some devices and most of clients will be able to support both specifications, for example, a digital video recorder (DVR).

Products of Synes IP видеосервер Kipod Server and the desktop client of Kipod Desktop support candidate release of the new specification of standards for storage systems of video data - Profile G Release Candidate. The open forum ONVIF announced its release on August 14, 2013. It is more detailed it is possible to examine about specification candidate release on the website ONVIF now.