Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Software AG Cloud Ready
Developers: DIT-IBIS
Date of the premiere of the system: 2000
Technology: Office applications

GENERAL FUNCTIONALITY: As the system software commercial software products of Software AG company are used. It includes

  • a post relational ADABAS DBMS which provides the high processing speed of transactions, scalability and transfer of a system on different computing platforms from Windows NT to Mainframe,
  • Natural programming language,
  • Text Retrieval System DBMS for context search
  • Entire-Broker is the software product of the class middleware for creation of web of technologies.

A system supports data in MARC and not MARC formats. Initially, the user receives the system customized for work with the RUSMARC formats (package import / export of bibliographic and authoritative records, cataloguing of documents in a real mode of time).

A system is implemented in architecture the client-server as completely Web technology. It means that act as servers of a system only the Web server, and clients - only standard Web clients. At the same time on the Web client no special software is established. At the expense of such organization administration of systems, huge by quantity of jobs, as much as possible becomes simpler, approaching the level of administration of systems with the central processing computer and terminals. Such systems often are called the systems of the centralized computer services (central computer services) and are recognized in the world the most perspective.

A system is the instrument of creation of library computer networks, and not just automation of separate libraries. Restriction of a system on the sizes is connected only with a connectivity of jobs to the Internet/intranet of network. All functions of a system, including cataloguing, search, a knigovydacha, registration and others are executed via the standard web browser. Especially successful sphere of application of a system is creation of summary directories and corporate digital libraries within library networks.

FUNCTIONALITY OF OPAC-GLOBAL. All functions of a system are performed through standard Web clients and include:

  1. Настройку systems on user requirements (library or library network).
  2. Каталогизацию in the RUSMARC format or other MARC formats.
  3. Поиск and order of documents.
  4. Использование authoritative files in the course of cataloguing and search.
  5. Циркуляцию (registration of the movement of documents).
  6. Реферирование documents in a real mode of time.
  7. Добавление to bibliographic records it is complete of informative digital objects (documents) with a search capability them in the free text.
  8. Импорт/экспорт bibliographic and authoritative files in batch mode in the RUSMARC format.
  9. Ведение reports for work of a system.
  10. Регистрация readers and remote users.
  11. Ведение personal financial calculations for paid information services.
  12. Администрирование systems in the local and remote modes.

Not all listed functions, for example, circulation are implemented in full now. This case of the near future. Important the fact that a system is implemented in the most perspective and friendly Web environment.

Now in more detail about some functions.

1. Setup (parametrization, localization) of a system.

Before operation a system should be customized on requirement of library user. The following elements systems are customized:

  • Intrasystem formats.
  • Databases, their formats and access points.
  • Screen forms of cataloguing for different document types.

As it was already noted, a system can support data in MARC and not MARC formats. Even among MARC formats there is a set of different types in two main classes: USMARC (MARC21) and UNIMARC. The system of setup gives the chance to the user independently to define models of formats in which the library will work. In the subsequent the library can add new internal formats and define databases in these formats. For example, the library can purchase the license for any database interesting her in Russia or abroad and to load into a system for information service of the consumers.

In different bases different access points for quick search can be organized. Points of quick access often represent quite difficult logical combinations of fields of original formats. Except that field can enter access points conditionally at accomplishment of some restrictions, for example, at certain indicator values. Special language of setup is developed for creation of access points.

Very often even within one format, for example, RUSMARC can be entered several document types (books, theses, articles, notes, cards, etc.) which use an initial format with a different recall rate. For the purpose of optimization of an entry procedure in a system very simple tabular language of setup of screen entry forms for different document types is offered.

2. Cataloguing of documents in the system of the RUSMARC formats.

In a system several methods of cataloguing, the most important of which are, are offered:

  • Editing doublets (input of data on new copies) which is main mode for creation of the all-Russian summary directory.
  • Cataloguing using copying of records from external databases (electronic directories), for example, provided by National Library of Russia, OCLC (via the converter) or taken from summary publishing CIP, Books in Print directories.
  • Cataloguing using editing prototypes (similar records) from own or external directories.
  • Own cataloguing, being main for the main cataloguing organizations of Russia: RGB, RNB and other largest federal and regional libraries.
  • Corporate (joint, distributed) cataloguing in a real mode of time and batch input of data in summary directories.

Own cataloguing - the most difficult procedure. The OPAC-Global system meets all requirements of cataloguing in the system of the RUSMARC/UNIMARC formats, including repetition of fields and subfields at simultaneous control of validity of these transactions:

  • Automatic transfer of authoritative data in bibliographic record (authoritative control).
  • Support of multi-layer system of records on the basis of the equipment of the built-in fields in link unit 4-.
  • Creation of summary descriptions from the connected multilevel records.
  • Support of a system of flat records using embedding of the complete information from the connected bibliographic records and formation of individual descriptions.

All listed transactions are performed at simultaneous control of access rights of employees of library.

Corporate cataloguing is provided with a remote input mode of data and accounting of a contribution of each participant to the summary directory.

Besides, the procedure of cataloguing is followed by the following supporting service which does work less uniform and more comfortable:

  • Adding of fields from the augmented list.
  • Use of help files with the coded information and rated lexicon.
  • Illumination of complete names of fields and subfields.
  • Elimination of repeatedly repeating transition from the register to the register when adding subfields.

Help call for filling of fields from the guide to RUSMARC

  • A possibility of viewing the created record in the test RUSMARC format and in a format of a bibliographic card according to GOST 7.1-84. at any stage of creation of record.
  • Preliminary loading of authoritative national files in prior consent of the producer of data.

3. Search and order of documents.

The OPAC-Global system provides rich search capabilities of information via standard Web browsers. The user can select the interface of search according to the readiness: basic, expanded or professional.

The simplest - the "basic" interface - includes a possibility of simultaneous search in authors, the title, subject headings, a key word, in the free text on all fields with restrictions by years of the publication. Search terms can be selected from index dictionaries of the corresponding field. The expanded option of search in addition to basic allows to create a logical combination from three randomly the selected fields.

The professional interface allows to make a request practically of any complexity, using, not only logical operators, but also operators it is "more", is "equal", "less", operators of proximity of words and others. This type of search often is called search using the common command language (CCL). In this mode the full range of access points approved with access points of Z39.50 protocol is used. Most strength of this mode is the possibility of the choice of search terms from authoritative files, for example, such as thematic subject headings, individual and collective authors, classification headings, etc. Search in authoritative files is performed by the same methods as well as in bibliographic files, including context search.

Search results can be sorted by years, authors and titles, to browse and unload from the web page in a format of a bibliographic card or in the RUSMARC format in the set portions. In all modes it is possible to browse "history" of search and for the second time to use search results for new search expressions. During the session it is possible to browse statistics of search and the personal financial account.

A system provides to users a possibility of the order of documents for copying, to the reading room or on MBA, and to the administrator to trace the order fulfillment course in library. The file of orders includes data on the document and the information about the customer, including the e-mail address, electronic delivery of the document, necessary for implementation.

4. Summarization and adding in the directory of electronic documents.

Considering that all functions in a system are performed via standard Web browsers, the possibility of the organization of the distributed work on summarization of documents and creation of digital libraries is of special interest. A system gives technically simple opportunity to the reviewer or the author in an interactive mode to add the material to the electronic directory and at once to provide a search capability in the free text.

Administration of a system includes the following procedures:

  • Package export / import of data in the RUSMARC format.
  • The global reindeksation of directories connected with replacement of terms in authoritative files.
  • Registration of all types of users of a system and determination of access rights. Access rights are limited to databases for reading and editing, document types, access to fields and subfields, passwords and the IP addresses of computers from which registered access.
  • Archiving of data means of the system software.
  • Data recovery by system means.


Using the OPAC-Global system it is possible to implement the following standard solutions, both separately, and at the same time.

  1. Автоматизация separate libraries and their integration into the Internet.
  2. Создание the centralized library computer network with the distributed automated services.
  3. Создание library computer networks for corporate cataloguing and maintaining summary directories.
  4. Создание summary directories of publications available and printings (CIP and Books in Print directories).
  5. Создание library computer networks for corporate digital libraries.
  6. Создание it is complete of large-scale virtual ILS (remote services ILS).
  7. Создание On-line of the centers on the basis of use of license information resources (as Dialog, RLIN, Silver Platter, Lexis-Nexis).


In comparison with traditional ILS

ILS of traditional type are developed in architecture the file server or the client-server. It means exchange of information between all participating libraries in uniform technology on the basis of uniform standards of the selected system. As a result participants of network begin to have problems in interaction with other networks which, as a rule, have other interfaces, protocols and formats. Besides, inclusion of new participants in network requires acquisition of new full-function ILS that in the amount can make the impressive amount.

In comparison with ILS on Z-technology

The specialized exchange protocol bibliographic data under name Z39.50 allows to communicate practically in any, but registered, MARC formats without converting and to unify the search interface on the basis of standard access points. However, the Z-technology requires use of "fat" and sometimes dear Z-clients at connection of new corporate participants of network and is characterized by complex administration of a system. In other words all shortcomings of Z-technologies follow from old-fashioned ideology of creation of open systems on the basis of specialized protocols.

OPAC-Global on ideology of creation of a library system in the WEB ENVIRONMENT which has several advantages in comparison with low technologies:

  • Integration with all information resources the Internet which it is incommensurable more than in Z39.50
  • Web is Wednesday "native" for the XML protocol - the most perspective format of storage and submission of electronic documents of any nature (the text, graphics, video, a sound)
  • Administration of a system comes down to administration only of the Web server, irrespective of the number of corporate participants

The OPAC-Global system is already implemented and is successfully used in National library of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the Sverdlovsk regional universal scientific library, National Library of Russia, the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library, the State central scientific medical library and the National LIBNET information and library center.