Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Octopus of NR

Developers: AGAT-RT
Last Release Date: 2014/12/15
Technology: IP telephony

Octopus of NR - the small-size self-contained unit for a simultaneous call recording from 4 analog telephone lines and other sources of audioinformation (radio stations, microphones, audio outputs, etc.).

Record is kept on the removable memory card installed in the device. Reading and information processing can be directly from the memory card or far off, on IP network means of software "Octopus-7"[1].

Scheme of interaction of the device, 2014

"Octopus of NR" - the self-sufficient solution which is not requiring installation of additional software and connection of the computer. The solution is focused on use at offices of the small companies, dispatching offices, premises with limited opportunities of installation of constantly working PC.

Device Octopus of NR, 2014

"The octopus of NR" is connected in parallel 4 (or less) to telephone lines or audio outputs of any devices (radio stations, microphones, etc.). Small dimensions (the device finds room on a palm) allows device insertion in any convenient location not available to undesirable eyes.

Device Octopus of NR, 2014

The registrar is connected parallel to controlled lines and is ready to work. "The octopus of NR" will automatically write the communication sessions detected in lines on the internal non-volatile memory (the removable memory card) of large volume. Being connected to IP networks, Octopus of NR will help to process the written information far off, via the Internet. If necessary the registrar will automatically send a required call recording by e-mail.

Scope of application

Sales, marketing and service

  • Fast identification and elimination of weak points in training of staff of services of sales and service.
  • Permission of disputable situations with clients - all arrangements made by phone are written.
  • Requirements analysis of the clients sounded in telephone conversations with sellers
  • Performance monitoring of promotion companies
  • Control of intensity of work of employees

Dispatching services

  • Control and documentation of operations of managers
  • Identification and remedial action in operation of managers
  • Obtaining information on operation of remote managers from one point


  • Identification of weaknesses in training of consultants of bank
  • Obtaining evidential base for the dispute resolution
  • Identification of the unfair employees breaking a trade secret.

Security companies

  • Control of a talk of a duty shift
  • The analysis and documentation of actions of employees at non-staff situations on objects
  • Record of negotiations of staff in the course of the trainings and exercises, for identification of weaknesses in preparation
